The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 343 You Break Your Promise Again

Chapter 343 You Break Your Promise Again

Everyone around who witnessed this scene was shocked.

No one expected that Quan Jing's sense of substitution would be so strong.

It doesn't matter if this person is good-looking, and he can sing well.

Now even the filming is so good!
Still let people get confused?
Just as a group of people were feeling overwhelmed, Quan Jing's one-day scene finally came to an end.

On the way back, Quan Jing sighed with emotion.

It turns out that this is what filming feels like.

From the corner of her eye, she noticed Quan Jing's slightly curved mouth, and Han Dongqing in the driver's seat suddenly said, "Like acting?"

Quan Jing let out an "ah" and nodded: "Well, I like it."

Han Dongqing turned her head and glanced at her: "What about singing?"

Quan Jing blurted out without thinking: "I like it, I like singing the most."

Soon, Bentley stopped at the gate of Quan Zhai.

Quan Jing got out of the car, waved "goodbye" to Han Dongqing, and turned to go home.

After dinner, the family sat on the sofa and talked.

As we talked, we talked about the lawyer's letter.

Wen Shuwan knew nothing about it and was full of doubts: "What lawyer's letter?"

Quan Tianxiang was startled, the siblings looked at each other, but did not speak.

Realizing that he had made a mistake, Quan Tianxiang coughed lightly, trying to fool him: "Uh, just the lawyer's letter from the brokerage company..."

It's a pity that Wen Shuwan doesn't know him too well.

She could tell what he was thinking just by looking at him.

She didn't speak, just stared at Quan Tianxiang.

Quan Tianxiang, who was stared at by her like this, was hairy all over, and looked at his precious daughter for help.

Quan Jing "received the order in the face of danger", organized a lot of words, and said everything about the lawyer's letter on Weibo.

Anyway, it wasn't from Daddy, so it's okay to tell Mommy.

But she still overlooked one point...

Wen Shuwan frowned slightly: "What photo?"

As she said that, Wen Shuwan also called Quan Lin by name: "Fat Yuan, show me the photo."

Quan Rin glanced sideways at his sister, and the moment he saw Quan Jing nodding, he clicked on Weibo, found the photos, and handed them to Wen Shuwan.

Wen Shuwan took the phone and looked down.

With just one glance, she knew that those photos were misplaced.

But even so, the damage has already been done!

Wen Shuwan took out her cell phone and called Han Dongqing.

She said that if there was a next time, she wouldn't mind getting off in person!

Sensing Wen Shuwan's anger, the siblings, including Quan Tianxiang, sat obediently on the sofa, not daring to say a word.

Although Wen Shuwan is usually very gentle, once she gets angry, her aura is really not covered.

After a while, the three of them only listened, "You broke your promise again."

Very calm words.

However, the father and son looked at each other in blank dismay, as if feeling the bad news of the approaching storm...

Han Dongqing on the other end of the phone was startled, and quickly realized what Wen Shuwan said: "Queen Wen Ying, I have handled this matter properly, tomorrow..."

Wen Shuwan interrupted her: "The truth is, Quanquan was hurt."

Han Dongqing pursed her lips and did not refute.

To be honest, although she contacted Chen Peng in time, if it weren't for the lawyer's letter, the voices questioning Quan Jing on the Internet probably wouldn't have disappeared.

Moreover, even with the lawyer's letter, there are still people complaining on Weibo.

Some people even say that this is the so-called "Quan Jing's father" deliberately attracting people's attention.

She really never thought that people's hearts can be so bad.

Quan Jing is still a child.

Where did she offend them?

"Queen Wen Ying, I assure you, this is definitely the last time." Han Dongqing's attitude was very sincere and serious.

Wen Shuwan was silent.

After a long time, she said, "One last time."

(End of this chapter)

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