The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 346 I am very happy

Chapter 346 I am very happy

It was also Xia Houye's move that reduced the popularity of Quan Jing's previous photos.

Everyone is discussing the new drama "Where I Can't Meet You", and no one pays attention to Quan Jing.

After all, one is the actor and the other is a rookie.

Any fool knows who to follow.

Quan Jing was finishing filming, and only after seeing so many unread messages on WeChat, did he know that JY-Yu's work officially announced the start time.

Han Dongqing had just finished talking with Zhao Xin, and when she walked up to Quan Jing, she saw her looking down at her phone.

She asked casually, "What are you looking at?"

Quan Jing blinked, and handed her the chat record without hesitation.

Han Dongqing looked away after reading it: "Send you back to Diyi?"

Quan Jing listened, put away the phone, and nodded.

On the way back to school, Quan Jing turned on his phone boredly.

As soon as it was unlocked, a news feed popped up.

She clicked in and saw the actors and actresses whose names were familiar, but she didn't know where she had seen them.

Without thinking too much, she clicked into the Youchuang Manga APP.

After clicking in, I found that JY-御 has not been updated yet.

Her mouth twitched.

This update of JY-Yu is really random.

Quan Jing shook her head, turned off her phone, closed her eyes and rested her mind.

after an hour.

At the gate of the south gate of Emperor One Academy.

Han Dongqing stopped the car and woke up Quan Jing softly: "Quan Jing, wake up, we're here."

Quan Jing opened her eyes in a daze, only to realize that she had arrived.

He unbuckled his seat belt, got out of the car, and waved at Han Dongqing sweetly: "Goodbye, Sister Han."

Han Dongqing smiled slightly and watched her leave before driving away.

Go back to dorms.

Quan Jing received a big bear hug directly.

She was taken aback.

When she saw that it was Chi Yutong, she stretched out her hand and pulled her away, full of puzzlement: "Yutong, why are you so excited?"

Unfortunately, this guy was so excited that he didn't know what to say. He waved his hands and couldn't say anything for a while.

Ye Qingqing at the side couldn't stand it anymore, and said to Quan Jing in a crackling voice: "The one she likes, Lin Xi, starred in a new TV series, and she has another TV series to follow."

Quan Jing was a little confused: "Lin Xi? Doesn't she like Yun...Senior Yun Chen?"

She still remembered that Chi Yutong asked her about Mu Yunchen before, so why did Lin Xi suddenly appear again?
etc!Lin Xi, she seems to have seen this name before...

Oh, it's the news.

Quan Jing blinked, and continued to ask: "That Lin Xi you mentioned, what drama is he acting in?"

Seeing that she didn't know, Chi Yutong slightly widened his eyes: "Little fairy, don't you know?"

Quan Jing nodded innocently, what should she know?

Seeing that she really didn't know, Chi Yutong pulled her into a chair and told her everything.

After listening to what Chi Yutong said, Quan Jing suddenly realized.

She asked why this Lin Xi sounded so familiar to her, it turned out that she was going to be the male lead in JY-Yu's comic.

"Very good." Quan Jing put down her schoolbag and said something.

She spoke in a low voice, Chi Yutong didn't hear clearly.

But that didn't stop her from continuing to mutter.

Sheng Ke, who was silent all the time, stepped forward and asked, "How have you been these two days?"

Quan Jing had just packed her schoolbag, and she was a little surprised when she heard Sheng Ke's words.

After a while, she replied sweetly: "It's good, life in the crew is very fulfilling, I'm very happy."

Hearing her talk about the crew, Chi Yutong jumped over again: "Little Fairy, you are filming, can we go visit the set?"

She really wants to go to the star class, but unfortunately, she can't get into the crew...

(End of this chapter)

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