The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 373 Quan Jing, come here

Chapter 373 Quan Jing, come here

Quan Jing is a person, if someone does not offend me, I will not offend him.

If the female star had a better attitude, she might tell her something.


Just when the female star was about to push Quan Jing, Quan Jing raised her eyes and looked at her innocently with a pair of clear eyes: "Sister, I don't know who you are talking about."

At first she was called "sister" by Quan Jing, and the female star was taken aback.

In the next second, the female star's face was very ugly: "Who is your sister!"

As a woman, the most taboo is to be said to be old.

Although Quan Jing was right.

Not only seniority, but also age, the other party is enough to bear her "sister".

Quan Jing continued to pretend to be innocent: "You are older than me, so it's right for me to call you sister."

Female star: "!!!" She dares to say it!She was so pissed off!

Seeing that the female star was about to attack Quan Jing, a voice sounded not far away at the right time: "Quan Jing, come here."

Quan Jing heard the reputation, and saw Qin Jia standing not far away.

Quan Jing: "???" Qin Jia?What the hell is she doing?

Seeing that Quan Jing couldn't come over, Qin Jia walked over with strides.

She first glanced at the female star beside Quan Jing, and said cold words, one by one, from her mouth: "Liang Tiantian, bullying the small with the big, is this your bearing?"

The female celebrity named Liang Tiantian was so surprised to see that Qin Jia actually spoke for Quan Jing.

In the entertainment circle, who doesn't know that Qin Jia is the most aloof person besides Mu Yingdi.

But now, who can tell her what happened?
How could Qin Jia help Quan Jing, a young rookie!

Liang Tiantian smiled awkwardly: "Sister Qin was joking, how could I bully her, I just asked her about someone."

Qin Jia pulled Quan Jing behind her and raised her eyebrows: "Oh? Then tell me, maybe I know you."

However, facing Qin Jia, Liang Tiantian didn't dare to say more.

Right now, just after Qin Jia finished talking with a director, he turned around and saw Nangong Yuting standing in front of Quan Jing.

Although it was Nalanyin who was talking to him, she noticed that he was always looking at Quan Jing from the corner of his eyes.

This man is really boring!

Without talking to Liang Tiantian again, Qin Jia took Quan Jing to another quiet place.

In a secluded corner where no one was around, Quan Jing softly said "Thank you".

Unexpectedly, Qin Jia, who is used to aloofness, even gossips about her: "Quan Jing, Yu Ting is here too, why don't you go and talk to him?"

Quan Jing: "..." What's going on with these people?

Sister Yinyin is like this, and now Qin Jia is like this too!
And that Liang Tiantian just now, does she look very familiar with Nangong Yuting?

A certain guy who thought he was not familiar with Nangong Yuting, after chatting with Qin Jia for a few words, just turned around and bumped into...

Although it is very impatient to be surrounded by people, after all, people are business partners, and there will be cooperation in the future, so it is not easy for Nangong Yuting to freeze the relationship.

Even so, he has been paying attention to Quan Jing's side.

Seeing her being blocked by Liang Tiantian and even making trouble, Nangong Yuting no longer had the heart to listen to these people's long-winded words.

He called Feng Zhe directly and asked him to deal with these people, while he walked over by himself.

It was obviously only a minute or two away, but every time he took a step, someone came up to greet him.

As a result, he missed the best time to "rescue".

When Qin Jia led Quan Jing to the other side, he followed without thinking.


The girl also didn't pay attention and ran into him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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