Chapter 379 I am here
Quan Jing's deepest impression on Qi Feibai is that he apologized to her after adding her on WeChat.


Inexplicably, Quan Jing quietly turned her head and glanced at Nangong Yuting who was sitting on her left.

She didn't forget that Nangong Yuting's reply to Fat Lin was that he didn't know Qi Feibai.

Although from the current point of view, she still can't tell if the two know each other.

But, it doesn't matter anymore...

Qi Feibai was a stranger to her from beginning to end.

That's it.

Seeing that Quan Jing ignored him, Qi Feibai looked at Nangong Yuting instead, and interrupted her without any money after watching a good show: "Hey, beauty, don't look at him, look at me, me..."

He has no eyesight to see.

Originally, Quan Jing would talk to him out of politeness, but now, she doesn't want to talk to him anymore.

Noticing the girl's every move from the corner of her eye, Nangong Yuting curled her lips.

Qi Feibai, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, widened his eyes: "Fuck, Yixuan, come here quickly, young master, am I dazzled? This guy Yu Ting actually laughed!"

The sound of "Yu Ting" also made Quan Jing understand that the "I don't know" that Nangong Yu Ting said earlier was just to coax her.

Who would call his name like that?
Shaking his head secretly, Quan Jing took out his mobile phone and lowered his head to play with his own.

She casually clicked on the Youchuang Manga APP, only to find that "Starry Sky" had been updated to the fourth drawing.

She clicked on the fourth painting and looked at it like no one else was there.

Quan Jing didn't know, she was reading comics, and Nangong Yuting was looking at her.

Glancing at the phone screen, it was "Starry Sky", and Nangong Yuting's brows and eyes became more and more pampered.

Seeing his expression, Qi Feibai felt even more like a ghost.

He was talking to He Yixuan beside him without any concealment.

Fortunately, Quan Jing was very focused when reading the manga, and didn't hear what Qi Feibai said...

Seven forty-five.

Quan Jing put away her mobile phone, sat on the chair calmly in the face of danger, and stared intently at the stage.

However, if you look closely, there are still a lot of sweat stains from the hands she held together.

At the right time, a low voice suddenly sounded in her ear: "I am here."

The two words Qingqian are like a reassurance pin, piercing Quan Jing's heart thoroughly.

She turned her head, looked at Nangong Yuting, and met his pair of deep black pupils.

Obviously nothing, but inexplicably made her feel at ease.

It's exactly eight o'clock.

The starry night party has officially begun.

Charlene put on a dress and walked onto the stage, holding a microphone, and said to the guests: "Welcome everyone to take time out of their busy schedules to participate in tonight's Starry Night Party. I am the host Charlene..."

After several pleasantries, the party got down to business.

"...Unfortunately, our Mushen was unable to attend the party tonight because of the schedule, but he recorded a video, let us watch the VCR together."

Following Xia Lin's words, Mu Yunchen's face was projected on the large central screen.

The video is neither too long nor too short, just about 3 minutes.

For Mu Yunchen, a person who usually doesn't talk much, it is enough to cooperate.

Under the stage, Quan Jing looked at the figure on the big screen, his eyes flickering slightly.

Uncle Yun Chen didn't come?

Also, if he came, she shouldn't have missed it.

Take a deep breath and keep watching.

Sister Han said that she just came here to play.

In the middle of the party, Charlene returned to the center stage: "Next, please enjoy the song "Wish" brought by Qin Jing."

I have to admit that Qin Jing's voice is sweet, it can even touch people's hearts...

Quan Jing looked back unintentionally, only to find that Nangong Yuting had earphones in his ears, as if he was answering the phone?
(End of this chapter)

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