The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 388 Online Reminder

Chapter 388 Online Reminder
After breakfast, Nangong Yuting sent Quan Jing to the set.

Of course, Quan Jing didn't let him go to the entrance of the film and television city, but got off the car at a traffic light at a fork in the road.

Although helpless, Nangong Yuting still compromised.

When she was about to turn around and leave, Nangong Yuting stopped her: "Quanquan, did you forget something?"

Quan Jing looked innocent: "Huh?"

She also checked carefully, her bag was not forgotten.

Seeing the girl's bewildered expression, Nangong Yuting pointed his finger at her.

Quan Jing probed over, and the other party touched her forehead lightly: "This, don't forget it in the future."

What he said was so natural, but Quan Jing blushed.

After whispering "rogue", she lifted her backpack, turned around, and trotted away.

Looking at the back of the girl going away, Nangong Yuting was in a better mood.

So, for an unprecedented time, he went to the Whale Studio.

After all, he is also one of his subordinates, he can't lose sight of the other...

the other side.

Whale Studio.

One after another, staff members came to work one after another.

Zhai Tianzhao stayed up all night again, just after stretching and yawning, Xu Zihang rushed in from the outside in a hurry: "Zhai is paralyzed, the boss is here, hurry up!"

Zhai Tianzhao stood up from his chair in a jerk: "The boss is here?" It's not even the 12th yet...

Xu Zihang: "No, it's still on the way."

Zhai Tianzhao glanced at him sideways, and sat down again: "Then what are you talking about?"

Fortunately, a new batch of "Starry Sky" peripherals has been formed, and the finished product can be released in the afternoon.

However, Zhai Tianzhao was still a little confused.

The boss usually comes to the studio on the 12th of every month, and usually has nothing to do, so he seldom comes here.

What's going on today?
Eight twelve.

Nangong Yuting walked into the whale studio.

Xu Zihang had been guarding the door for a long time, when he saw Nangong Yuting, he immediately walked over, very excited: "Boss!"

With a soft "um", Nangong Yuting walked towards his office.

On the way, he asked about the progress of the new surrounding area.

Xu Zihang chirped and reported: "Go back to the boss, the finished product will come out this afternoon."

Fortunately, he went to the design department just now, otherwise the opportunity to ask for credit would be snatched away by Zhai Miantan again!

Nangong Yuting ignored the little Jiujiu in his heart, said "good job", pulled out the chair and sat down, and turned on the computer on the desktop.

The internet in the studio is fast.

He opened the webpage and was about to search for something when he saw Xu Zihang still standing there.

Nangong Yuting frowned slightly: "Have you finished your work?"

Xu Zihang, who heard his boss's intention to drive people away, was shocked: "Report to boss, no."

When he said "no", Xu Zihang's whole body seemed to be wilted.

The second Nangong Yuting looked at him coldly, he immediately straightened his chest and said solemnly: "I'm going to work now!"

After he disappeared into the office, Nangong Yuting looked back and logged into his backstage...

"You Under the Starry Sky" has been updated to the fourth painting, and the current plot has been unfolded.

The outline of Mo Bai and Yu Sheng's story is also clearer.

Everyone is guessing, what will JY-Yu do next?

After reading a few pages of fan comments, Nangong Yuting closed the page.

Just as he was about to turn off the computer, he suddenly remembered what Quan Jing had muttered in a low voice after finishing the fourth painting last night.

What did she say?

Oh, she complained that his updates were too slow.

Is this an online reminder?
Looking at the time, tomorrow is the 12th.

The next second, Nangong Yuting got up and walked towards an office in the studio...

(End of this chapter)

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