The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 390 Let's Go Together

Chapter 390 Let's go together

With his father's affirmation, Quan Rin flew up.

He didn't bring anything, just a mobile phone, a power bank and earphones, put on his coat and walked out of the house.

Just about to walk to the door of the house, Wen Shuwan walked out with Diandian in her arms: "Fat Yuan, take Diandian with you."

Quan Rin: "???"

No, his sister is filming, why did he bring Diandian there?
Are you sure this isn't teasing him?

Wen Shuwan didn't seem to see Quan Lin's resentful gaze, so she directly stuffed a little into his arms, and said "be careful on the road".

Quan Rin, who was holding a little bit, wanted to cry but had no tears, with a stuffy expression on his face.

Just in time, Uncle Zhou came over.

Quan Rin said resignedly, "Then I'm leaving."

Wen Shuwan gave an "um", without any nostalgia at all.

Quan Jing didn't know about Quan Rin's coming until after filming a scene.

At that time, he was already on the way.

Inexplicably, Quan Jing remembered what Chi Yutong said in the dormitory before.

So, she walked slowly in front of Zhao Xingang: "Director Zhao, I have something to tell you."

Today's progress was surprisingly smooth, and Zhao Xingang was in a great mood: "What's the matter, tell me."

Quan Jing thought it over before she said, "Well, my younger brother is here, on his way."

Zhao Xingang thought it was something, and waved his hand: "It's okay, just come here, let him find a place to sit and play when the time comes."

Quan Jing touched his nose, and continued: "My roommate also wants to come to visit the class, I wonder if I can..."

Visiting classes, this is a common occurrence.

What's more, it's the first time for a little girl to shoot a night scene, so it's inevitable that she will be a little bored, so Zhao Xingang didn't refuse: "Yes, but there is one thing I have to tell you in advance, the content of the live filming must not be leaked!"

Quan Jing smiled and nodded: "Naturally. Then Director Zhao, I'll go there first."

Zhao Xingang: "Well, let's go."

Back on the temporary rest chair, Quan Jing took his mobile phone and checked the time, it was only 19:18.

From Diyi University to Hengdian Film and Television City, it takes about 40 minutes if there is no traffic jam.

After thinking about it, she clicked on the roommate group and sent a message.

Circle 3 times: [I'm filming a night scene tonight, does anyone want to visit the set? 】

Almost as soon as her message was sent, the beep sounded.

Yutong is a snack: [! ! ! 】

Yutong is a snack: [Me, me, me!I'm going! 】

Yutong is a snack: [Little fairy, send me the address, I'll be there right away! 】

Quan Jing sent the address as she said, and then ignored it.

Not long after, Zhao Xingang called to continue filming the next scene.

Quan Jing cleaned up and went to filming again.

at this time.

Room 312.

When Ye Qingqing came out of the toilet, she saw Chi Yutong packing things in a hurry.

She was taken aback and asked, "Yutong, what are you doing?"

Chi Yutong let out an "ah" and replied, "Go visit the class."

While talking, Chi Yutong had already packed a schoolbag, which was basically full of food!
She picked up her schoolbag and said with a smile: "The little fairy sent her the address of the crew, and I'm going to visit the set. Qingqing, you can go with me, anyway, there's nothing to do in the dormitory."

There is no strict curfew on weekends, as long as you can go back to the dormitory.

That's why Chi Yutong was so active.

Ye Qingqing scratched her head: "Where is it? Is it far?"

However, before Chi Yutong replied, Sheng Ke walked over from the balcony, and his cold voice rang out in the dormitory: "It's not far, let's go together."

With that said, she took the lead out of the dormitory.

Ye Qingqing and Chi Yutong exchanged glances before raising their feet to catch up.

 The cold air is coming, babies, remember to add clothes to keep warm~
(End of this chapter)

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