The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 397 Hey, Uncle Nangong

Chapter 397 Hey, Uncle Nangong

A clear and powerful male voice sounded.

Quan Jing turned around after hearing the sound, and saw Nangong Yuting waving at her not far away.

Following her line of sight, Quan Rin poked his head out of the car window and saw Nangong Yuting over there.

This guy directly waved his hand with a big heart: "Hi, Uncle Nangong!"

Quan Jing: "..."

Sheng Ke, who was about to make room for Quan Jing, heard Quan Rin's call, looked at Quan Jing's attitude, and sat back in silence.

Unknown Ye Qingqing and Chi Yutong looked at each other.

The next second, Sheng Ke said: "Uncle Zhou, please, please, Diyi Academy, we are in a hurry."

Then, she raised her chin towards Quan Jing: "Don't make someone wait, see you later."

Before Quan Jing could finish digesting what she said, Sheng Ke skipped her and closed the door on the back seat of the car.

At this moment, a thought came to Quan Jing's mind: A Ke locked her out of the car!
Fortunately, Quan Lin's younger brother is on her side. Seeing Sheng Ke shutting his sister out, Quan Lin yelled, "Hey, hey, sister Ke, my sister hasn't got in the car yet. !"

Sheng Ke turned his head and said coldly: "Someone will send your sister back, so you can relax."

Quan Rin is usually clever, but now he is stupid: "Who is it?"

Sheng Ke ignored him.

After realizing it later, Quan Rin clapped his hands: "You mean Uncle Nangong? Why didn't I think of that."

After chatting, Quan Lin poked his head out again, and waved at Nangong Yuting who was not far away: "Uncle Nangong, my sister will trouble you, we can't fit in this car."

Quan Jing, who was still waiting for her silly brother to help her out, said, "???" Isn't this development a bit wrong?

At that time, Nangong Yuting, who saw that Quan Jing had not come over for a long time, simply walked over.

As soon as he got closer, he heard what Quan Rin said to him, and he smiled and agreed: "Okay."

Quan Jing turned to stare at him.

Nangong Yuting smiled, and walked up to her naturally, holding her by the hand.

Under the lights on the side of the road, in front of a Volkswagen, a man and a woman stood there, holding hands, looking very beautiful.

Especially, the handsome man and the beautiful woman are a natural match.

Not wanting to be looked at like a monkey by passers-by, Quan Jing stepped on Nangong Yuting's foot, blushed, ran to his car, opened the door of the passenger seat, and sat in without saying a word.

Her movements were done in one go, Nangong Yuting looked at her with doting eyes.

The two cars parted ways at the fork in the traffic light.

Compared to the quietness of Nangong Yuting and Quan Jing, Quan Lin's car was a bit lively.

Brilliant music, constantly regressing scenery...

Sheng Ke who was sitting by the window frowned imperceptibly.

very noisy.

After a while, Chi Yutong suddenly said, "Big Fatty, I want to ask you something."

The music was a little loud, covering Chi Yutong's voice.

Quan Rin only vaguely knew that she was talking to him, but couldn't hear what she said.

He lowered the volume, turned around and asked, "What did you just say?"

Chi Yutong couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Let me tell you something."

Quan Rin shook his head: "What's the matter?"

Thinking of the voice she just heard, Chi Yutong can be sure that it must be an extremely attractive man!
What she was curious about was whether there was any story between Quan Jing and him...

She thought so, so she asked.

After hearing her words, Quan Rin didn't think much about it, and said everything he knew: "You said Uncle Nangong, he is a stupid uncle..."

(End of this chapter)

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