The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 400 Is Your Aunt Coming?

Chapter 400 Is Your Aunt Coming?

Quan Jing and his brother went upstairs one after another.

Where Quan Tianxiang couldn't see, Quan Rin said quietly: "Sister, don't worry, I didn't tell the old man."

Quan Jing raised her eyes and glanced at him, but said nothing.

Quan Rin couldn't figure out what his sister was thinking for a moment, scratched his head, said "good night", and went back to his room.

Returning to the room, pulling out the chair and sitting down, Quan Jing fell into deep thought.

In fact, she didn't mind telling Daddy and Mommy about her relationship, but... Thinking of the unpleasantness before, she hesitated again.

Especially, there is a 12-year age difference between her and Nangong Yuting.

Forget it, let's take a step by step.

the next day.

Quan Jing was still awakened by the phone call.

No matter how good-tempered she is, she also has her own little temper at the moment, and she growled at the other end of the phone: "Who is it?"

An Yimo was startled, and blurted out: "Jingzi, is your aunt here?" The tone was so aggressive!

Quan Jing rubbed her swollen head, and replied weakly: "No, I didn't sleep well."

After washing up last night and tidying up again, it was three o'clock without noticing.

She hadn't slept for three hours before she was woken up by a phone call...

An Yimo moved her phone to look at the time, and it was only before six o'clock. She smiled apologetically, "What, Jingzi, I'm just so excited! Yes, so excited... What did you do, it's just today's At [-]:[-] in the morning, Mrs. Yu updated! He actually updated twice this month, it's really not easy..."

For An Yimo, a night owl, it was hard for her to stay up until the weekend, so she didn't want to waste her good time sleeping.

While watching the drama, she checked to see if there was any update on JY-御.

The result is good, she really made her wait!
Moreover, I don’t know if Mrs. Yu has met some good things. In his updated fifth painting, 12 out of 10 pages are full of pink bubbles. Don’t be sour on her...

Normally, if An Yimo babbled like this, Quan Jing would just listen to it casually.

But now, she just wants to keep her ears quiet.

She had to interrupt An Yimo: "Momo, can you let me be quiet?"

Thinking of her checking Weibo in the early morning, and seeing the evening Reuters posted by those fans on the hot search list, An Yimo, who knew that Quan Jing was still filming at night, couldn't help but worry: "Jingzi, are you okay?"

Quan Jing didn't make a sound.

An Yimo waved her hands again and again: "Okay, okay, I won't talk anymore, don't talk anymore, you should have a good rest."

Hearing the "beep" sound from the phone, Quan Jing turned over and continued to sleep.

After less than half an hour of sleep, the alarm clock rang at 06:30.

Quan Jing really wanted to sleep in, but reality didn't allow it.

After lazily sitting up and stretching, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After 15 minutes, Quan Jing finished tidying up, and she was a refreshed little fairy again.

Dekui Quanjing was born beautiful since she was a child, and it was rare to stay up all night once, and she didn't have dark circles under her eyes, and her skin was still so good!
After breakfast, Uncle Zhou sent Quan Jing to the set.

As for Quan Rin...he is still playing chess with Duke Zhou.

After being nagged for so long last night, and after washing up so late, Quan Jing didn't check her phone.

It wasn't until now that she was free to look through the unread messages on her phone.

Looking at the 99+ red circle, Quan Jing rubbed the center of his brows.

The one with the most messages was the 86 messages sent to her by An Yimo.

No wonder she called her this morning.

Skipping An Yimo's information, Quan Jing scrolled down again, and found Nangong Yuting's news...

 Babies, ask for a wave of tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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