The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 409 You Shameless!

Chapter 409 You Shameless!

Chen Jinsong couldn't be more angry when he thought that Quan Jing had created an ancient song specially for "Jiu Huang".

He secretly clicked on Quan Jing's wechat profile picture, and sent her a series of messages.

Mu Yunchen, who was completely ignored by him, spotted the familiar mango head with sharp eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He clenched his fist and coughed lightly to remind someone.

Unexpectedly, Chen Jinsong continued to poke the phone screen, completely forgetting about him.

Mu Yunchen: "..."

The next second, he also took out his mobile phone, clicked on the mango profile picture without notes, and typed a sentence directly.

1 minute later.

Ding dong.

The WeChat notification sounded.

Chen Jinsong was startled, his first reaction was to see what Quan Jing replied.

As a result, nothing!

Responding belatedly, Chen Jinsong raised his head and saw Mu Yunchen lowering his head leisurely to send a message to someone.

Chen Jinsong: "???" Yun Chen is such an old-fashioned old man, he still sends messages to others?

Taking advantage of people not paying attention, he quietly walked behind Mu Yunchen.

Chen Jinsong was furious when he saw who he was sending the message to.

Come on!This guy actually chatted with Xiao Quanjing behind his back!

"You are shameless!" Chen Jinsong said angrily.

Mu Yunchen raised his head: "???" The old thing smoked again?

Chen Jinsong put his hands on his hips and said angrily, "Tell me, what did you say to Xiao Quanjing behind my back? Why did Xiao Quanjing ignore me?"

Mu Yunchen turned his face away, not wanting to talk to this crazy guy.

Unfortunately, Chen Jinsong didn't intend to let him go, and continued to chatter.

Quan Jing, who had no idea what was going on here, stared at the reply on the phone in a daze.

Just now, just when she was about to completely let go, the wechat notifications of ding dong ding dong ding dong kept ringing.

Picking up the phone, she was stunned for a moment when she saw the refresh message sent by Chen Jinsong.

Seeing the "The other party is typing..." at the top, the corners of Quan Jing's mouth twitched. How much does Director Chen have to say?
Quan Jing shook her head secretly, and found that there was another new message, so she simply went back first, only to see what Mu Yunchen had sent.

Mu Yunchen: [A generation of heroes, with good ideas]

Guqin, ancient words, and even a short narration in it, full of novelty.

There is artistic conception of the story, and there is also innovation.

More importantly, this song is also in line with the preferences of modern people.

You can say "good" in every way.

Circle 3: [Really!But I still feel something is lacking]

After all, the adapted TV series is different from the novel.

What's more, Director Zhu only told her a general plot...

After synthesizing the information she found and reading the original novel, she finally created this song "A Generation of Heroes".

Knowing that the little girl is demanding, Mu Yunchen was not surprised when he saw the news from Quan Jing again.

After thinking about it, he replied: "Learning is endless."

Staring at these four words, Quan Jing felt relieved.

Yes, there is no end to learning.

There's no need for her to dig into a dead end. She feels bad this time, so she can come again next time.

One day, she will reach her ideal realm!
Just as Quan Jing was about to reply, "Thank you, Uncle Yunchen", Mu Yunchen sent another message.

Mu Yunchen: [Well, Quan Jing, please tell Director Chen something]

Quan Jing: "???" She shuddered and immediately came to her senses.

However, she still couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "How could Uncle Yun Chen be with Director Chen?"

She spoke in a very soft voice, Sheng Ke could only vaguely hear the word "Yun Chen", glanced at Quan Jing, saw her sending a message, and looked away.

(End of this chapter)

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