The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 412 Okay, I'll Listen to You

Chapter 412 Okay, I'll Listen to You
After Quanjing came down, she saw the dormitory auntie blocking Han Dongqing from letting her in.

She hurried over: "Auntie, this is my manager, she is here to look for me."

Aunt Suguan knew that Quan Jing was a star, but she didn't realize it for a long time when she heard that Han Dongqing was her manager.

She looked at Han Dongqing who was only in his early 30s, how could she take care of a child if she hadn't matured yet?
Dekuijing doesn't know what she's thinking.

Otherwise, she would definitely reply: Although Sister Han is only in her 30s, she is already 42!Besides, little Keke was taken very well by Sister Han.

It was hard to talk about it, and finally got the dormitory aunt to agree to let Han Dongqing in.

Back in the dormitory, Quan Jing pointed to her chair and said sweetly, "Sister Han, sit down."

Han Dongqing was not polite to her either. After sitting down, she glanced at Sheng Ke and Chi Yutong, she smiled slightly and said, "Excuse me, can I have a chat with Quan Jing alone?"

Chi Yutong was shocked, and patted his head: "Then what, I suddenly remembered that I asked the little sister next door to do my homework together, I'll go there first, you guys talk slowly."

With that said, she packed up a few homework and was about to go to the dormitory next door.

Before she stepped out of the dormitory, she heard Sheng Ke's lukewarm voice: "Sorry, I have to protect Quan Jing's safety."

Quan Jing embarrassment.

Chi Yutong thought in his heart: Witch Sheng deserves to be Witch Sheng!
Sighing secretly, she walked out of the dormitory, and happened to run into Ye Qingqing who had just come back, and she dragged him to the next dormitory.

Han Dongqing frowned, not as afraid of Sheng Ke as the others.

After all, she didn't know any West City Witch.

Both are people she cares about, Quan Jing doesn't want them to be unhappy because of her.

She smiled slightly at Han Dongqing: "Sister Han, let me tell her."

Han Dongqing waved his hand.

Pulling Sheng Ke to the balcony, Quan Jing whispered: "A Ke, you know, I signed a confidentiality agreement for my work, and Sister Han..."

Listening to the girl's explanation, Sheng Ke gave Han Dongqing a cold look before saying, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Quan Jing showed a bright smile: "A Ke is the best."

What Sheng Ke couldn't bear the most was her sweet smile, she said "I'm going out", and then ran away.

Her pace was too fast, Quan Jing was still a little confused.

Without thinking too much, she returned to Han Dongqing, pulled out the chair and sat down: "Sister Han, why did you come to Di Yi suddenly?"

Han Dongqing looked at Quan Jing's condition, she was in good condition, she nodded, and then explained her intention of coming: "...I mean, you, attend the premiere press conference of "Jiuhuang" tomorrow."

Quan Jing opened his mouth wide, full of astonishment: "Tomorrow?"

Han Dongqing raised her eyebrows: "Well, if you are worried that you won't be able to ask for leave, I can ask the counselor for you."

Quan Jing waved her hand: "No...not this." The key is that she has a full class tomorrow!

Han Dongqing somehow wanted to laugh at the girl's tangled appearance: "What? Difficult?"

Quan Jing shook her head, then nodded again.

In the end, she simply expressed all her concerns.

When Han Dongqing heard this, he said directly: "It's easy, you can take half a day off. You can go to class normally in the morning, and I will pick you up at noon, and we will go directly to the press conference from Diyi."

The other party said so, how could Quan Jing refuse.

After finishing the business, Han Dongqing chatted a few more homely words.

After staying in Quanjing's dormitory for about half an hour, Han Dongqing looked at the time, and when it was time to pick up Xiao Keke, she took a step ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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