The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 415 Help me answer the telegram

Chapter 415 Help me answer the phone
On the way to buy vegetables, Quan Jing sent Han Dongqing a WeChat message, saying that she would go back to school by herself, so she would not bother her.

Han Dongqing didn't say anything, but told her to be careful on the road.

The two bought their vegetables at a large supermarket near Yuyuan.

The food here is cheap and fresh.

After turning around, the two picked out broccoli, carrots, potatoes, green peppers, and half a catty of pork belly and tofu.

It was already past six o'clock in the evening when we returned to the imperial garden.

After sending Quan Jing to watch TV, Nangong Yuting came to the kitchen alone.

Staring at those dishes, Nangong Yuting, who was cooking for the first time, felt a little at a loss as to what to do.

After struggling for a long time, he took out his mobile phone and called home.

Nangong old house.

The landline rings.

When the TV series Ji Lingqiong was chasing was on the air, when she heard the phone ringing, she called directly to the kitchen: "Sister-in-law Lin, answer the phone."

The nanny aunt called Mrs. Lin said "Hey", came out of the kitchen, and answered the phone.

On the opposite side, it took Nangong Yuting a long time to say: "Sister-in-law Lin, how do you fry pork belly?"

Mrs. Lin: "???" Well done, how could Master Ting ask her this question?
Although it was very strange, Mrs. Lin still dutifully shared a simple recipe of braised pork belly.

Nangong Yuting kept it in mind, and asked again: "How about broccoli, carrots, and potatoes? And tofu..."

Now, Mrs. Lin was even more surprised: "Master Ting, do you want to cook by yourself?"

Nangong Yuting frowned, but still let out a "huh".

Aunt Lin glanced at the alarm clock hanging on the wall, it was now 45:[-].

Has Master Ting not had dinner yet?
Aunt Lin, who grew up watching Nangong Yuting grow up, is full of distress at the moment: "Master Ting, come back and eat, and Aunt Lin will make it for you."

Nangong Yuting: "Not today."

Looking at Quan Jing who was sitting in the living room, Nangong Yuting smiled.

Mrs. Lin couldn't explain it to him, so she had to tell him how to do it.

After hanging up the phone, Mrs. Lin shook her head secretly.

Coincidentally, at the end of an episode of the TV series, Ji Lingqiong asked casually, "Sister Lin, who's calling?"

Mrs. Lin: "It's Master Ting."

Ji Lingqiong hurriedly got up from the sofa: "Who are you talking about?"

Aunt Lin simply said exactly what Nangong Yuting said on the phone.

At the end, Ji Lingqiong's eyes sparkled: "You just said...he wants to cook by himself?"

Aunt Lin nodded in confusion, "Master Ting said so."

Ji Lingqiong stepped forward: "Then did you ask him who eats with him?"

Aunt Lin shook her head.

With an expression of "Why are you so stupid", Ji Lingqiong walked to the landline and called Nangong Yuting back.

at that time.

everything's ready.

Nangong Yuting was about to cut pork belly when the cell phone that he put on the chopping board suddenly rang.

He glanced at it, it was the phone from the old house.

He was hesitating whether to hang up or not, when the ringtone attracted Quan Jing's attention.

She trotted to the kitchen, blinked her eyes twice, and said sweetly, "Do you need my help?"

Nangong Yuting pressed his chin on the phone that was still ringing: "Help me answer the phone."

Quan Jing did not doubt that he was there, picked up the phone, and saw a series of numbers with no notes, she was not even a little defensive, and slid the phone to answer: "Hello, how are you?"

When Ji Lingqiong on the other end of the phone heard a girl's voice on the phone, her eyes widened.

She wanted to speak out, but she didn't know what to say so as not to scare the little girl.

The other party was silent for a long time, Quan Jing muttered in a low voice: "It's strange, why is no one talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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