The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 417 "Nine Brilliance" Starts Broadcasting

Chapter 417 "Nine Brilliance" Starts Broadcasting

Cooking for the first time ended in failure.

Even so, Quan Jing still admires him.

In case his girl was hungry at night, the two decided to go out for dinner.

After dinner at a restaurant near Yuyuan, Nangong Yuting sent Quan Jing back to school.

Nanshi at night is very quiet and the roads are not congested.

Even so, it was already 10:30 when Quan Jing arrived at school.

When she asked for leave, she told the housekeeper that she would go back to school at night.

The auntie in charge said that she would keep the door open until the early hours of the morning.

Quan Jing knew that it was all because her fan was Auntie Suguan's daughter, and Auntie Suguan treated her like... Aiwujiwu?
This is after all at the school gate, Nangong Yuting just wanted a parting hug: "Send me a message when you arrive at the dormitory."

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Okay~ Be careful on the road, don't drive too fast."

Nangong Yuting narrowed his eyes: "Well, I will drive slowly..."

He didn't appreciate the fact that he was thinking about other aspects at all, and waved to him with a bright smile: "Then I'll go in first."

Nangong Yuting drove away from Di Yi when Quan Jing's shadow was no longer visible in the moonlight.

15 number.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Finally, when "Jiuhuang" premiered, a group of girls couldn't concentrate at all in class.

Chi Yutong is an example.

After finally surviving the end of the day's class, she returned to the dormitory, turned on the computer without saying a word, and waited for the TV series to start.

Quan Jing, who returned to the dormitory early in the morning to prepare for the competition song, looked at Chi Yutong's excited look, and exchanged glances with Sheng Ke, unable to understand.

It's exactly eight o'clock in the evening.

"Jiuhuang" officially launched!
The familiar opening song sounded, and Chi Yutong, who was not used to listening to the opening song, listened to the whole song without missing a second.

Quan Jing's voice is too contagious, especially with the picture, the impact is even stronger.

As soon as he walked to Chi Yutong's side, the words "episode one" were released in the opening title, and Quan Jing's cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and saw that it was Zhao Xingang.

Quan Jing was slightly taken aback, but went to the balcony to answer the call.

On the phone, Zhao Xingang said calmly: "Quan Jing, let me tell you something about the scenes you acted in last weekend..."

After hearing what Zhao Xingang said at first, Quan Jing was immediately stunned: "All reshoots?"

Zhao Xingang: "No, no, let's remake Sunday's."

When he said that, Quan Jing felt a little guilty.

Indeed, she was in a bad state that day.So, when Zhao Xin mentioned this, she agreed without any objection.

With her promise, Zhao Xingang mentioned the matter of extending the time for joining the group by the way.

Quan Jing blinked her eyes twice and thought for a while.

It's already mid-November, and tomorrow she's going to participate in the preliminary round of the "K&Q World Ceremony". Maybe she won't be able to join the filming team due to conflicts in the schedule of the event, so the progress of the film will definitely be delayed...

However, she didn't want to give up on this music festival competition.

Fortunately, Di Yi's vacation is relatively long, and she will be off at the end of next month, so she has two months of winter vacation.

Quan Jing thought for a while and said: "Director Zhao, how about this, I have time during the winter vacation, during this time I can join the filming team, but... I have a small request."

Hearing that Quan Jing was willing to come and film during the winter vacation, Zhao Xingang said generously: "Don't say one request, I will agree to ten!"

The corner of Quan Jing's mouth twitched, and she said her request.

Hearing that she might not be able to come to filming on a certain weekend, Zhao Xingang regretted his quick talk...

(End of this chapter)

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