The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 422 The painting style is wrong

Chapter 422 The painting style is wrong
Seeing the result, the host was stunned for a moment.

After a long time, he realized that he was right.

Walking to Quan Jing's side, the host stared at her for three seconds before turning away and facing the audience: "Quan Jing's final vote count is... 124 votes!"


There were only 130 votes in total, and Kwon got 124 votes. What does this mean?
Quan Jing was neither arrogant nor impetuous, and once again bowed to the audience.

The host was also very pleased: "Congratulations, little fairy, please go backstage and take a rest, our competition will continue..."

Waving his arms towards the audience, Quan Jing returned to the backstage.

On the stage, the game continues.


Mu Qing and the others who finished the match naturally also heard the commotion ahead.

Especially when he heard that Quan Jing won 124 votes, Mu Qing, who knew it well, was also shocked.

However, I have to admit that Quan Jing's original songs are indeed very artistic.

Soon, Quan Jing's figure appeared in the background.

Mu Qing walked over: "Thanks for your hard work."

Quan Jing smiled slightly and shook his head.

On the side, Gu Qiaoqiao hesitated for a moment, then walked over.

She stretched out her hand towards Quan Jing, with a kind smile on her face: "Hi Quan Jing, I'm Gu Qiaoqiao, your song is very nice."

Quan Jing shook back politely: "Thank you."

Jiang Miao, who was hiding in the corner by herself, slid over when she saw Quan Jing, looking like a little fanboy: "Little fairy, me, me... can I take a photo with you? I like you so much!"

Quan Jing was stunned, a little dumbfounded in his heart.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Jiang Miao made the best choice: "Hey, it doesn't matter if you don't take a group photo, you can also sign, I can do it."

The other party has said so, and Quan Jing can't refuse anymore.

After signing for Jiang Miao, Quan Jing pointed outside: "Excuse me, I'll make a phone call."

After going out, Quan Jing called Han Dongqing.

Of course, Han Dongqing didn't know what he was busy with, so he didn't answer her call.

I hung up the phone and was about to go back when my phone rang.

A new WeChat message popped up.

Quan Jing looked down and smiled with curved lips.

I saw that Nangong Yuting sent her a message.

Yu: [Come on (little rabbit expression pack)]

Nangong Yuting used this emoticon package, no matter how you look at it, this style of painting is wrong.

Quan Jing thought for a while, and sent him a voice call directly.

Soon, someone picked up over there, and a low magnetic male voice sounded from the microphone: "Huh?"

Quan Jing's sweet and soft voice sounded: "What are you doing?"

at the same time.

Lingyun Group.

Nangong Yuting, who was processing the documents, replied to her with one heart and two minds: "Process the documents."

Quan Jing let out an "ah" and was about to hang up the phone immediately: "Then did I disturb your work, then I will..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Nangong Yuting interrupted her: "It's okay."

Quan Jing: "..." Should he spoil her like this?
Afterwards, the two chatted a few more words.

Afraid that he would really delay his work, Quan Jing forcibly hung up the phone.

Nangong Yuting looked helplessly at the hung up phone.

His girl is so cute...

After a while, Quan Jing returned to the backstage.

At that time, the preliminary round had come to an end.

Another half hour passed.

The host invited all the contestants back to the stage.

Quan Jing and others walked up together.

It is more than enough for so many people to stand on such a big stage.

Because Quan Jing is the most popular, she stands in the center.

The host stood aside and told everyone about the results of today's competition: "...Let us congratulate the above contestants for successfully entering the second round!"

(End of this chapter)

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