Chapter 444 Thousands of Stars
After talking in the cafeteria, Sheng Ke and Quan Jing started the cold war mode.

Chi Yutong and Ye Qingqing wanted to persuade them, but they didn't know where to start.

After all, everyone has their own opinion.

It is impossible for them to impose their own ideas on Quan Jing, that would be unfair to her.

Sheng Ke had such "extreme" thoughts because he cared too much about those people's evaluation of Quan Jing on the Internet.

In Quan Jing's heart, cover singing is not an absolute way to deal with it.

She can completely block the mouths of those people with her works, why bother to use cover songs to compare with others?

The cold war between the two lasted for two days.

After class on Friday, when everyone in the classroom was gone, Quan Jing stopped Sheng Ke: "A Ke, let's talk."

Sheng Ke looked up at her, but said nothing.

Quan Jing knew that she agreed.

On the campus boulevard.

A gust of cold wind blew by, and Quan Jing's hair draped over his shoulders fluttered with the wind.

Looking at her back, Sheng Ke's eyes flickered slightly.

Suddenly, Quan Jing stood still, turned around, and stared at Sheng Ke with a pair of clear eyes.

At that moment, Sheng Ke seemed to see thousands of stars.

Just listen, "Ake, let's make up."

Sheng Ke raised his lowered eyes slightly.

Quan Jing bent her lips and smiled sweeter: "Huh?"

Looking at the girl's beautiful face, Sheng Ke finally couldn't bear to let her down, so he let out a soft "hmm".

With her affirmation, Quan Jing smiled even brighter.

"When I grow up..." The phone in my pocket rang.

Quan Jing answered the phone in a good mood: "Hello?"

Through the phone, Nalanyin could imagine Quan Jing's appearance at this moment, and teased: "Yo, you're in a good mood."

Quan Jing sweetly called "Sister Yinyin" before continuing: "Yes, A Ke has reconciled with me."

On the side, suddenly listening to Quan Jing talking about her to others, Sheng Ke suddenly felt very subtle.

He took out a lollipop from his pocket, tore open the bag, and took a bite.

After tasting the sweetness, she suppressed the inexplicable emotion in her heart a little bit.

Looking up, he saw Quan Jing staring at her eagerly.

Sheng Ke: "..."

Unable to keep her looking at her, Sheng Ke took out a lollipop from another pocket and handed it to Quan Jing.

Quan Jing took it with a smile, and saw the words "mango flavor" marked on it at a glance.

On the phone, Nalanyin didn't know what happened here, and explained: "You are out of school, hurry up, come pick out cakes with my sister."

Quan Jing said "ah": "Sister Yinyin, are you... sure?"

Over there, Nalanyin thought of Quan Jing, a mango addict, and slapped himself on the head: "Forget it, go straight to the restaurant, sister chooses by herself."

Glancing at Sheng Ke aside, Quan Jing said sweetly again: "Sister Yinyin, I'll take someone there!"

Nalanyin: "OK."


A low-key Volkswagen stopped at the entrance of Qiyun Hotel.

The door of the passenger seat opened, and Quan Rin came down holding three gift boxes.

In the back seat, Quan Jing and Sheng Ke got out of the car one by one.

The three of them walked towards the restaurant together.

As soon as I entered, a waiter greeted me.

Quan Rin reported the number of the private room, and the waiter took them there.

click -

The compartment door opened.

The waiter smiled slightly: "Please come inside."

Hearing the movement, Nalanyin said a few words to the people around him, and then walked towards this side.

Seeing Quan Rin holding three gift boxes, she smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Tell me, I'm still so polite with my sister. Just come here, what gifts do you bring?"

That's what she said, but she couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

Quan Jing reached for the top box and said sweetly, "Sister Yinyin, happy birthday."

(End of this chapter)

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