The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 450 Little Fairy Is So Sweet

Chapter 450 Little Fairy Is So Sweet

Night, slightly cold.

On the soft couch in the inner room of the magic hall, lay a beautiful woman.

The beauty closed her eyes slightly, propped her forehead with one hand, and lay down with her clothes closed.

Dressed in a red brocade gauze skirt, flamboyant and reckless.


The beauty on the couch opened her eyes.

A pair of clear eyes, flirtatious and charming.

The red lips parted, and cold words came out of the lips: "Who is here to disturb my Qingxiu?"

After a while, the beauty got up lazily, leaned on the soft couch, raised her red lips: "Tsk, he has a backbone."

However, in the next second, the beauty focused her eyes and raised her hand, an invisible force blasted towards the inner room.


A figure fell from the beam, yelling "Ouch".

The beauty got up on the couch, tiptoed lightly, and slowly came to the man, squatted down, put her thumb against her chin, and raised an evil smile at the corner of her mouth: "Do you know where this is?"

The suddenly enlarged face made the visitor stare dumbfounded.


In front of the camera, Zhao Xingang looked at the actor staring at Quan Jing in a daze, and shook his head secretly.

He directly picked up the walkie-talkie and yelled at the man: "Feng Jun, what the hell is that look in your eyes! You are assassinating, why are you hating? Why are you so dazed! I know that Quan Jing is beautiful, but no matter how beautiful a person is It's not yours, so keep it for me!"

Quan Jing: "..."

Others present: "..." Director Zhao lost his temper again.

Feng Jun was shouted back to God: "???" Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?
Seeing his obviously confused look, Zhao Xin knew right away that the scene just now couldn't continue.

Sigh, but it's true, Quan Jing's appearance just now, I'm afraid it would be unbearable for any vigorous young man...

There was no other way, Zhao Xingang had no choice but to announce: "Take a break for 10 minutes."

The field manager who was holding the Quanjing overcoat immediately took the clothes over and put them on for her: "Little Fairy, put them on quickly, don't freeze."

It is late autumn now, and it is gradually entering early winter.

If you are not careful, you may catch a cold.

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Thank you."

It was another beauty crit, and the field manager's little heart was thumping.

Ahhh!The little fairy is so sweet and beautiful!

I really want to hug!
Of course, the field affairs only dare to think in their hearts.

Five minutes later, Xiao Yang ran over excitedly: "Zhao...Director Zhao, the clothes have been repaired!"

As soon as Zhao Xin heard it, he stood up from his chair in a flash: "Really!"

Xiao Yang nodded: "Really, that, do you want to let the little fairy go over and try it? Sister Huang said that this dress may be a bit complicated to wear, so..."

Zhao Xingang let people go immediately: "Try! Quan Jing, go over and try it out. Where's the makeup artist? The makeup artist will also go with me!"

It is not enough to have clothes, but also makeup.

So, Quan Jing and the makeup artist followed Xiao Yang to the costume group.

At that time, Huang Xiaojun was still doing the finishing touches.

When Xiao Yang brought people in, she had already finished all the work.

Seeing Quan Jing at first glance, Huang Xiaojun was taken aback.

The girl is wearing simple makeup at the moment, but she looks like a lotus flower. It is completely unimaginable that she will play the role of a demon.

Huang Xiaojun picked up his clothes: "Little girl, come with me."

10 minute later.

Quan Jing finished dressing.

Huang Xiaojun came out first, and then made way to reveal Quan Jing's figure.

The dress was custom made for Kwon Jeong, exactly her size!

The combination of red and black, with long jet-black hair loose, in this dark night, is completely the most deadly dark style.

Xiao Yang and the makeup artist's eyes widened, full of amazement.

So... so beautiful!
 Babies, ask for a wave of tickets~
(End of this chapter)

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