The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 457 We Believe In You

Chapter 457 We Believe In You

Seeing Quan Jing's expressionless female judge: "..." This child is really calm.

Well, she's letting it go.

With a light cough, the female judge smiled slightly: "...It's a pity that we didn't meet you sooner. Congratulations to Quan Jing, I voted for you all three times."

Everyone including Quan Jing: "!!!"


So, it was a lie that she deliberately paused just now?
This man is really bad!
The audience who were still praying for the blessings of the Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and other gods: "???" What kind of shocking reversal is this?

After being stunned, there was another scream.

"Ahh! The little fairy is so handsome!"

"Aw~ Cool!"

"Mamma Mia, I'm a fan of some fairy lady."


After a short moment of astonishment, the host immediately came back to his senses: "Sister Xu's appearance really shocked me."

Speaking of this, the host cue Quan Jing: "The little fairy is still calm, and there is no tension in the whole process."

Quan Jing also smiled lightly after hearing this: "No, I'm also very nervous."


Female judge: "???" Why are you nervous?
The audience has the same question mark face.

Quan Jing smiled lightly and did not speak.

The host teased a few words and began to announce the audience's voting results.

Take a look, take another look.


In the next second, he followed the example of the female judge and said, "Little fairy, guess how many viewers voted for you?"

Quan Jing tilted her head: "???" How did she guess?
There were so many possibilities to vote among the [-] audience members. Quan Jing said that she didn't want to guess...she couldn't guess at all.

So, she just blinked her eyes and looked at the host innocently.

The host, who was violently attacked by the beauty, gave up.

Clenched his fist and coughed, he said solemnly: "Then what, I will announce the voting results. This round, the audience voted... 100 votes! All votes passed, congratulations little fairy! This is definitely The best result in the preliminary round, let us look forward to the wonderful performance that Little Fairy will bring us in the semi-finals..."

clap clap.

Crackling applause continued.

Even the audience shouted and broke the sound.

Ow!All votes, all votes, all votes!

Not only the audience, but even the judges voted unanimously. What kind of concept is this?
Not to mention the audience, the rest of the contestants backstage who hadn't sung on stage were also shocked.

They didn't see Quan Jing's performance in front of the stage, but just listening to it in the background, they could imagine how happy the scene was.

If it was them, maybe, maybe, probably they would vote for Quan Jing, right?

Sure enough, it is not without basis that people can become popular.

It is said that every song in the preliminary round is Quan Jing's own original creation, they don't have that confidence yet...

Quan Jing was also shocked that she won unanimous votes. Apart from surprise, she was more grateful.

She bowed to everyone sincerely and sincerely, and said very seriously: "Thank you very much, I really, I don't even know what words to use to thank everyone for your support, I will continue Work hard...Thank you again, thank you!"

The little girl said "thank you" so sincerely, and bowed three times in a row, so pious, the uncles and aunts with children in the audience were all moved.

I don't know who mentioned the sentence "Son, we believe in you", and the audience burst into a sentence...

"Little fairy, we believe in you!"

Just because that person is you, so we all believe in you.

Quan Jing on the stage narrowed her eyes and showed a brighter smile.

Still so sweet and so beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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