The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 469 Want to see someone cry

Chapter 469 Want to see someone cry

Lin Shuhua has always been directly responsible for the cover of the magazine.

President Li went out of the office and found Lin Shuhua.

Facing his immediate boss, Lin Shuhua was still a little puzzled about his arrival: "President Li, why are you..."

He just opened his mouth, and President Li pointed at him: "Tell me about you, a person who is usually so thoughtful, why is he so confused this time!"

Lin Shuhua: "???" What's the matter?
Then, Lin Shuhua learned all the reasons from President Li.

Lin Shuhua was stunned when he learned that a big company had ordered 100 million copies of "Youth".

The 20 pre-sale, plus the 100 million this time... This issue of Quan Jing's magazine actually broke Xia Houye's record!
She is just a little famous female singer.

But, the problem now is that they don't have that much inventory, even if they print it now, it's too late...

Lin Shuhua helped the glasses frame and tried to calm down: "President Li, did the other party tell you when to give him the goods?"

President Li shook his head: "No, but he said as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Lin Shuhua breathed a sigh of relief.

It's fine if you don't specify a time.

They can find a larger printing factory, and it can be rushed out in two days.

Besides, he heard from the people below that Fan Weimin asked the printing factory to rush to print 100 million extra copies yesterday, and if there is no accident, the goods will arrive tomorrow...

There is still some time before the official release, and the time is completely in time!
Lin Shuhua thought so, so he told President Li that way.

President Li repeatedly asked: "Guaranteed that there will be no problems?"

Lin Shuhua was very sure: "I promise."

Afterwards, President Li nodded and left.

People here are worried about the "Youth" inventory, and people there are headaches because of Quan Jing's frequent hot searches.

Seeing Quan Jing appear on the trending list again, Qin Jing tightly clenched her fist.

This Quan Jing, why is she on the hot search again!
In the last concert, she failed to please her, and instead made herself suffer.

As for Quan Jing, she was supposed to be in class, she was supposed to be filming, and she went to participate in some competition?
Heh, it's just a small game, so she won't care.

click -

The door to the lounge was pushed open.

Qin Jing looked up and saw Song Zhen walking in.

She squinted her eyes, propped her chin to think for a while, and walked towards Song Zhen: "Sister Zhen, I want to ask you something."

Song Zhen glanced at her before saying, "Ask."

Qin Jing: "Quanjing's you have any announcement arrangements recently?"

Song Zhen frowned: "Why are you asking this?"

Qin Jing turned around, sat back on the sofa again, shrugged: "It's nothing, just ask casually."

Knowing too much about his temperament as an artist, Song Zhen replied directly: "That's Quan Jing's business..."

Before she finished speaking, Qin Jing interrupted: "I know, you want to say that you have nothing to do with me, let me take care of myself. Sister Zhen, I have heard your words for several years, and I am tired , can't you change the word?"

Facing Qin Jing's eyes, Song Zhen turned his eyes away, and said in a businesslike manner: "This is your next itinerary, please take a look."

After receiving the document, Qin Jing smiled after seeing something.

She really wanted to see, if the cooked duck suddenly flew away, what would Quan Jing's reaction be?
Doesn't she like to sing, then let her sing!
Quan Jing, if this is the case, then you can't blame me...

Pointing her fingertips somewhere on the document, Qin Jing smiled brighter and brighter.

Really want to see someone cry.

(End of this chapter)

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