The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 481 Seeing Deng Jiajun Again

Chapter 481#See Deng Jiajun#
The platform for the simultaneous live broadcast of this event is Orange Video.

The audience who couldn't come to the scene saw Deng Jiajun's appearance through the live broadcast, and the barrage was instantly maxed out.

That's Deng Jiajun!
On Weibo, a new trending topic was triggered in real time: #见见邓家君#
Whether it is the previous generation or this generation, the name "Deng Jiajun" has always been hotly discussed.

People may not know her, but they will definitely know her songs and her voice!
That is the soul of music who has sung for a whole century, that is a classic that broke the previous soprano, that is... a youth that no one can surpass.

She is the goddess of music in the hearts of countless people.

Even though time has changed, even if she is old and fading, even... she is still the same her, never changing!

What she promised, as long as she can sing, as long as the audience wants to listen, she will keep singing, even to the end of her life, she is willing to keep singing for that sincerity and love, always...

【Aw~ want to cry】

[want to cry +1]

【Grandma Deng is so beautiful】


The phrase "Grandma Deng" in the bullet screen made many people fail.

Indeed, at Deng Jiajun's current age, it is not an exaggeration to be called "grandma", but why do you want to laugh so much?

At that time, the director also saw this barrage under the reminder of his assistant.

He hinted to Charlene that the cue has reached this level.

Then, behind the stage, fans including the fans who watched the live broadcast heard this sentence: "Mr. Deng, we all know that there are many fans of yours at the scene. I heard that some fans are starting to call you 'grandma'. I don't know what you have Do you want to speak to them?"

Deng Jiajun still had a kind smile on his face: "It's a pleasure to be your grandma."

Everyone in the audience laughed.

Many fans who watched the live broadcast laughed from ear to ear.

After a brief entertainment, the game continued.

Of course, the live broadcast is not always on, at least the live broadcast is off during breaks.

In the whole morning, less than one-third of the [-] contestants performed.

Just like the preliminary round, Quan Jing's ranking was very low.

Noon break.

Xia Lin, who originally planned to chat with Quan Jing, had to change her plan because of Deng Jiajun's arrival.

However, during the meal, several people still bumped into each other.

Because there was a competition in the afternoon, Quan Jing and his party went to the home cooking restaurant and ordered three vegetarian dishes and three bowls of white rice.

After all, he was getting old and couldn't get used to the delicacies in those big restaurants, so Deng Jiajun and his party also came to the homely restaurant.

At first meeting, Charlene was a little surprised.

From what she knew from Han Dongqing, Quan Jing should have a good family background.

Generally, girls like her, don't they all like to go to that kind of high-end and elegant restaurants?
Seeing that Charlene had been staring at Quan Jing, Deng Jiajun also looked there.

At first sight, Deng Jiajun was also stunned.

That girl's facial features are too delicate and too familiar... It seems that she has seen her before.

She walked over there slowly.

However, after walking a few steps, she stopped again.

Charlene who was following her was puzzled: "Teacher Deng?"

Deng Jiajun shook his head: "It's okay, let's sit over there."

Even though she said that, Charlene still glanced at Quan Jing for no apparent reason.

Wei Zhiyuan and Ji Weiyu who followed behind also looked there.

Quan Jing, who was eating with her head down, didn't know that someone thought of others through her face. The food in this small restaurant was quite delicious.

Of course, it was a little worse than the one Han Dongqing took her to eat before.

(End of this chapter)

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