The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 497 Apology Statement

Chapter 497 Apology Statement
No one knew what Qin Jing said to Quan Jing when she came to the emperor.

All I know is that after that day, she issued an apology statement.

But even so, it cannot restore her perfect impression in the hearts of many fans.

Because of this incident, Quan Jing's popularity rose again, and various endorsements came one after another, but Han Dongqing pushed them all away.

Only focus on the immediate interests, then Quan Jing will not be able to go far.

Before "Youth", she had already obtained the exact amount from Lin Shuhua.

As of today, in half a month, "Youth" has sold 203 million copies!

Quan Jing not only broke the record of the magazine, but also broke the record of declining sales of all paper magazines.

Excluding the 120 million copies on the first day, after that, the amount will increase day by day, ranging from [-], [-], to [-]...

The president of the magazine has a tendency to want to sign another contract with Quan Jing.

However, Han Dongqing rejected it.

As an endorsement, it's better to rather lack than abuse.

Quan Jing only found out after the second round of the rematch that Qin Jing publicly apologized to her on Weibo.

In this round, Quan Jing successfully advanced to the third round as the crushing No.1.

Her song "Chasing the Light" was like a beacon in the dark, waking up everyone.

Similarly, there are two dark horses among the popular cover singers, and they also rushed into the third round.

Tang Qing, who had a smooth journey without any ups and downs, was eliminated from the second round.

There are 18 people who have successfully advanced to the third round.

These people will have the final round on the 18th...

After the game, Quan Jing directly called a car to go home.

On the way home, her WeChat was bombed.

Momo: [Aw~Jingzi, what kind of boss do you think I'm chasing after? 】

Momo: [Most of December has passed, and "Starry Sky" has not been updated yet! 】

Momo: [Ahhh!I'm going crazy]

Momo: […]

Seeing the message sent by An Yimo, Quan Jing subconsciously clicked on the Youchuang Comics app and entered the homepage of "Starry Sky".

Then it was discovered that the latest painting was still at the fifth painting.

Quan Jing: "..." This person is really headstrong.

However, since An Yimo found her, Quan Jing took the opportunity to tell her about being an assistant.

The next second, a video call pop-up window came over.

Right to connect.

A dark face immediately appeared on the screen.

Quan Jing was startled: "Momo, what are you doing?"

An Yimo put her phone away before continuing to put on her black mask: "I just bought a black mask, and I heard that it can also slim the face, so I said try it."

Quan Jing was really defeated by her: "You still believe this."

While posting it, An Yimo said: "I'm called Ning Believe It, if it's true, I can get rid of the excess flesh on my face."

Just thinking about it makes An Yimo feel elated.

Quan Jing didn't know how to answer the conversation for a moment.

In her eyes, An Yimo was a bit baby fat, but not too fat, and she didn't know where she could tell that her face was getting fleshy.

The two talked for a long time, and finally got down to business.

Hearing that Quan Jing asked her to be an assistant, An Yimo's eyes lit up immediately: "Jingzi, you are finally recruiting an assistant. Wow, I can see celebrities now."

Quan Jing couldn't help giving her a look: "Sister Han said that she wants to find an assistant who keeps her duty."

Upon hearing this, An Yimo immediately turned serious: "Yes! I promise, I will work honestly and not cause you any trouble!"

Seeing her like this, Quan Jing laughed "Pu Chi": "Okay, I'll send you an address later, at 07:30 tomorrow morning, remember to wait for me there on time."

An Yimo saluted: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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