The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 504 Eat some candy, take it easy

Chapter 504 Eat some candy, take it easy

After the match, the contestants left the TV station one after another.

Quan Jing and Sheng Ke were also preparing to go back to school.

After all, they still have classes in the afternoon.

The two were about to reach the entrance of the TV station's office building when they were stopped by someone: "Xiao Quanjing, wait!"

When Quan Jing turned her head, she saw Xia Lin and... Deng Jiajun walking towards her.

Glancing at Sheng Ke, Quan Jing went up to meet her and called out obediently: "Sister Xia Lin, Senior Deng."

Charlene let out a "hey" before she spoke, "I said, what are you doing running so fast?"

Quan Jing: "???" She didn't run away, she just left according to the normal procedure.

Knowing that this girl was mild-tempered, Charlene simply said bluntly: "Ms. Deng is going back, she wants to chat with you before she leaves."

Quan Jing was confused: "Me? But..." She still has to rush back to class!

While struggling, Sheng Ke came over and said coldly, "Let's go, go back to class."

Hearing the word "class", Charlene suddenly understood why Quan Jing was so hesitant.

Yes, she is still a student now.

Looking at Quan Jing's beautiful little face, Deng Jiajun walked forward slowly, with a kind face on his face: "Son, can I ask you a question?"

Quan Jing nodded: "Yes."

After a while, Deng Jiajun seemed to think of something, with nostalgia hidden in his eyes.

She said, "Wen Jinshu, who is she to you?"

As soon as the words "Wen Jinshu" came out, Quan Jing didn't respond yet, and Charlene froze on the spot.

Is it the Wen Jinshu she knows?
However, looking at Deng Jiajun's expression, she knew, yes, it was that Wen Jinshu.

Quan Jing smiled brightly: "I'm sorry Senior Deng, I don't know who you are talking about, this is the first time I heard this name."

After staring at her for a while, Deng Jiajun sighed, because she was too excited.

Whenever I saw someone, I thought it was her.

That person is long gone...

There was something wrong with Deng Jiajun's expression, Quan Jing looked at Charlene for help.

Upon receiving the girl's gaze, Charlene stepped forward and called softly, "Teacher Deng?"

After calling twice, Deng Jiajun came back to her senses. She turned to look at Charlene, and shook her head at her: "I'm fine, let's go, it's time to go back."

She has already asked about it. Today, it doesn't matter if you talk or not.

Looking at the backs of the two who turned and left, Quan Jing was still at a loss.

Wen Jinshu?who is this?

Without thinking too much, she hailed a car, and she and Sheng Ke went back to school.

In the next week, Quan Jing will be very busy.

In addition to preparing for the finals of the "K&Q World Festival", she also has to review and prepare for the final exam, and she also needs to join a group for filming on weekends, and the time is very tight...

Fortunately, she is late in the finals, so there is no need to worry so much.

It's a pity... the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Originally, the finals were held for 7 days, but for some reason, it was temporarily changed to 3 days.

More importantly, the finals were held in Dongshi!
In other words, Quan Jing, who was originally scheduled to fly to Dongshi City on the 25th, had to be brought forward to the 21st.

In the dormitory, Quan Jing, who received the text message notification, was also a little crazy at the moment.

Why are you in such a rush all of a sudden?

Three days!

With only three days to go, part of her last song hasn't improved completely yet.

If she hadn't known that the event was being monitored by the state, Quan Jing would have even wondered if someone was messing with her behind her back.

Seeing her like this, the people in the dormitory can't help much, they can only be anxious.

Sheng Ke calmly took out a mango-flavored lollipop from his pocket: "Eat a candy, take it easy."

 Sorry, there are two more updates that will be updated later today.

(End of this chapter)

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