The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 511 Still Holding the Pipa Half Covering the Face

Chapter 511 Still Holding the Pipa Half Covering the Face

After the song "Nirvana" ended, Quan Jing took two steps forward with her pipa in her arms, and bowed to the audience.

At that moment, the poetic scene of "still holding the pipa and half covering the face" flashed through everyone's minds.

One second, three seconds... 1 minute passed.

The scene exploded with a bang.


"The little fairy is so flirtatious, I love it."

"Loving someone with one heart is like pure water."

"Little fairy, you are the best!"


Not only the live broadcast, there were only a few sporadic barrages floating in the live broadcast room for 2 minutes, and then there was an endless stream of barrages one after another.

There were so many bullet screens that the live broadcast platform collapsed!
The staff urgently contacted the technical staff, and it took 5 minutes to reconnect the live broadcast.

Quan Jing made her final appearance. Naturally, after she finished singing, it was the turn of all the contestants to return.

Yang Bin continued the cue process: "So here, all our contestants have finished singing, and then the right to choose is in the hands of the audience...Who is the champion in your mind?"

"Quan Jing! Quan Jing! Quan Jing!"

"Jiang Miao! Jiang Miao! Jiang Miao!"

"Gu Qiaoqiao! Gu Qiaoqiao! Gu Qiaoqiao!"


All kinds of voices continued.

Yang Bin was used to this kind of scene, so he continued to speak without any burden: "Okay, then all our audiences are invited to enter the backstage to vote now, remember, every vote of yours is very important, think about it before you vote." Vote."

A mischievous audience replied, "I see, Brother Yang, you are so long-winded."

Yang Bin: "..." He must have met a fake fan!

The quick-witted viewers returned after casting their votes, while the hesitant viewers waited for a long time before returning.

While the staff was still counting the votes, Yang Bin started chatting with the contestants about fifty cents.

Among the ten people, Quan Jing was the most popular.

Yang Bin complied with the "audience" and led the topic to Quan Jing as much as possible: "I knew that the little fairy can play the pipa before, but I don't know what kind of talent show the little fairy will bring us next time?"

Quan Jing blinked her eyes twice, and tactfully asked the audience the question: "What do you want to see?"

Audience A: "I want to see Little Fairy play drums again!"

Audience B: "Little Fairy hasn't played the cello yet, when will I arrange it?"

Audience C: "I want to see everything!"

Quan Jing spread his hands and looked at Yang Bin with an innocent expression.

Yang Bin: "..." This girl is too shrewd to be fooled.

After chatting for a while, a staff member handed over the voting results.

Yang Bin whetted his appetite and said, "Whose votes do you want to hear first?"

The finals don't look at the judges, only the audience!

After all, the champion is a musical talent who wants to represent the country and conquer the world.

The audience is the best judge of sound.

There were 300 spectators in the audience. Yang Bin guessed that no matter how uneven the number of votes was, each person could get at least [-] or [-] votes.


Looking at the number of votes leading the way, Yang Bin: "!!!"

His reaction was watched by everyone.

The audience was fine, and bullets were flying in the live broadcast room.

[Brother Yang was stunned and expressed curiosity about what Brother Yang saw]

[The truth is - I don't know either]

[Brother Yang continues to be confused]


It took a long time for Yang Bin to recover from the shock: "Hey, what, I'm getting older, and my eyes are a little bit uncomfortable, just laugh at me."

There was instant laughter at the scene.

On the stage, Quan Jing covered her mouth and smiled.

Brother Yang is still that Brother Yang.

The cameraman understands the hearts of fans very well, and gave Quan Jing a zoomed-in shot.

Qiaoxiao Qianxi, but mediocre.

(End of this chapter)

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