The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 513 The Peak of Music

Chapter 513 The Peak of Music
The voting results of other contestants are also announced on the big screen in a short time.

However, these are not important anymore.

Everyone knows that Quan Jing will represent China and attend the world-class music festival - "Top of Music"!
Talented musicians from all over the world will gather in Vienna.

It would be an unprecedented listening experience.

After Yang Bin finished saying "goodbye", the live broadcast ended and the "K&Q World Ceremony" competition also came to an end.

Congratulations could be heard from time to time, and Quan Jing politely thanked her.

Xia Chuanzhou even walked up to Yang Bin and hinted him: "Yang Bin, you know that kid well, call her up later, and have lunch together."

Yang Bin is a shrewd person, pretending to be confused with his understanding: "Mr. Xia, who did you call? There are so many children at the scene..."

Xia Chuanzhou: "..."

Sighing, he compromised: "Quan Jing."

Yang Bin accepts it as soon as he sees it, and promises again and again that he will talk to Quan Jing later.

Xia Chuanzhou let out a "hmm" and left first.

Seeing that Quan Jing was still surrounded by people for a long time, Yang Bin stepped forward and clapped his hands: "Hey, the game is over, why don't you leave?"

When he said this, someone immediately greeted him and said "Bye, brother Yang".

Yang Bin was also very talkative and waved goodbye.

When the people around were almost gone, Yang Bin strolled to Quan Jing's side and coughed lightly: "Little fairy, would you like to have lunch with Brother Yang?"

Quan Jing tilted her head: "Brother Yang, I didn't realize that you are so hospitable."

Yang Bin scratched his head: "That's not true, Brother Yang, I am the most generous."

Quan Jing was just teasing, but the other party replied to her in a serious manner, and she didn't know how to reply for a while.

After all, he came with a mission, Yang Bin raised his eyebrows: "How is it? Brother Yang's choice is definitely to your liking!"

If it was only her and Sheng Ke, Quan Jing agreed and agreed. The key now is that Sister Han is also in Dongshi.

Quan Jing said shallowly: "Brother Yang, it's not that I don't agree to you, this, you also met Sister Han before the competition, she..."

Without waiting for her to finish speaking, Yang Bin patted his chest and said, "That's not easy, let's call her too."

Quan Jing: "..." You've made all the arrangements, so why ask her?
Seeing that Quan Jing didn't refuse, Yang Bin called Han Dongqing directly in front of her.

In order to reassure her, he deliberately put the phone on speakerphone.


When Han Dongqing heard it, she didn't even think about it: "I won't eat it, let Quan Jing and the others go."

Yang Bin was also a little surprised: "Are you so relieved? Are you afraid that I will kidnap your artist?"

Unexpectedly, Han Dongqing smiled and said, "Try abducting yourself."

Yang Bin: "..."

Quan Jing couldn't help laughing out loud.

Hearing her voice, Han Dongqing said one more thing: "Quanjing, you follow Brother Yang. After lunch, you go to the airport first, and we will meet at the airport later."

Quan Jing: "Okay, Miss Han."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Bin turned his head and pointed outward: "How about little fairy, are you going?"

Quan Jing: "..." I suddenly felt that Brother Yang was so stupid.

Hyatt Hotel.

While ordering, Yang Bin introduced to Quan Jing and Sheng Ke: "The dishes in this restaurant are all authentic Dongshi dishes, and they taste pretty good. You can try them later."

Quan Jing nodded with a smile.

Sheng Ke was expressionless.

After ordering, I sat for another 10 minutes, and a person walked up to me.

Seeing the approaching figure, Quan Jing immediately stood up: "Teacher Xia."

Seeing her get up, Sheng Ke also got up and looked at the visitor.

(End of this chapter)

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