The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 526 He sent someone to follow her?

Chapter 526 He sent someone to follow her?

It was hard to talk about it, and finally persuaded Chi Yutong not to post those photos on the Internet.

Because Nangong Mo is not in the same school as them, he will take a step ahead of the Arabian Nights.

The school exams are over, and there is nothing to do when they go back, so Quan Rin just encourages his sister to go home together.

After all, they are twin siblings who grew up together, how could Quan Jing not know what Quan Rin was thinking.

Thinking that she can no longer go to the music club to borrow instruments at school, she has no objection.

When the siblings got into the car and went back, Chi Yutong couldn't help murmuring: "I want to go home too."

Sheng Ke who heard what she said with sharp ears inadvertently raised his eyebrows.

Home?Is that place considered home?
After a while, she said coldly: "Let's go."

The three of them also hailed a car and went back to Diyi.

When the siblings got home, it was already a quarter past three in the morning.

Wen Shuwan and Quan Tianxiang were not disturbed, they went upstairs quietly.

After saying "good night" to each other, they went back to their respective rooms.

Ding Dong!

A WeChat notification sounded.

Quan Jing's heart skipped a beat.

Immediately, she was puzzled again.

At this point, who else will send her a message?
Turning on the light, sitting on the edge of the bed, she clicked on WeChat, her eyes widened slightly.

Yu: 【Are you home safely? 】

Quan Jing's first reaction was to open the curtains to see if anyone was outside.

Otherwise, why did Nangong Yuting send her a message just after she entered the room!
But it was empty outside, and there was no one there.

He sent someone to follow her?

Just thinking of this, another new message popped up on WeChat.

Royal: [picture jpg]

The picture is a screenshot. In the screenshot, it is a circle of friends posted by Nangong Momo.

The copywriting is that they sing K in the Arabian Nights.

This guy, he can post it as soon as he posts it, and return Aite to her and Fat Rin!

For a moment, Quan Jing felt guilty.

Three seconds later, a video call popped up.

Quan Jing took a deep breath and waited for a few seconds before connecting.

Immediately, Nangong Yuting's handsome face appeared on the screen.

He pursed his lips, and when he saw her, he turned around when he wanted to reprimand: "Call me next time, huh?"

Quan Jing, who thought he would be reprimanded: "???" No, what's going on?
Seeing the girl's appearance, Nangong Yuting's heart softened already, so he was not willing to talk about her.

The two chatted for a while, knowing that he had to work tomorrow, Quan Jing, who couldn't bear him to stay up late, said sweetly: "It's not early, you should go to bed early, and you will be tired after a day of work." He has waited for her for so long, he Are you not sleepy?

Glancing at the time, it was almost 03:30.

Hearing Quan Jing say "good night", Nangong Yuting hung up the video contentedly.

In the next second, he squinted at Nangong Mo who was standing beside him, his eyes no longer had the tenderness just now, but were full of sternness.

Originally, Nangong Mo planned to go back to school, but when he turned his head and thought, going back to school would be better than going back to the old house.

What's more, it's so late, grandpa and uncle must be asleep.


As soon as he entered the door, he ran into his uncle who was about to go downstairs to pour water.

Originally, he came back secretly, but he was caught so suddenly, he panicked.

Especially, the moment his uncle looked at him with the knife in his eyes, Nangong Mo froze all over.

Without waiting for Nangong Yuting to speak, he recruited everything himself.

This is how Nangong Yuting sent a message to Quan Jing.

Nangong, who stood tremblingly for an hour, called "Uncle" in a low voice.

However, when the other party looked over, he immediately lowered his head in fright, not daring to say another word.

(End of this chapter)

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