The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 535 I'm looking for your sister

Chapter 535 I'm looking for your sister
On the screen, the four characters of "Uncle Nangong" gleamed into everyone's eyes.

Quan Jing: "..."

Quan Rin: "???"

Sheng Ke glanced at Quan Jing silently, then said to Chi Yutong who was curious and Ye Qingqing who didn't know why: "Let's go there first."

After the three of them walked away, Quan Rin looked back at her sister before answering: "Hi, Uncle Nangong, Happy New Year!"

Hearing this hateful title again, Nangong Yuting: "..."

Rubbing between his brows, his deep voice fell into the ears of Quan Rin and Quan Jing beside him: "I'm looking for your sister."

Quan Rin: "???" Looking for his sister, how did you find him here?
That's weird, what's wrong with this guy?

Quan Jing blinked her eyes twice, thinking of something, she stretched out her hand towards Quan Rin, and silently said "give me the phone".

Quan Rin shrugged and handed her the phone.

The door of Orange Terrace.

A low profile black Mercedes parked across the road.

Guessing that it was almost time for the party, Nangong Yuting called Quan Jing.

Unexpectedly, the bell kept ringing, and finally hung up automatically because no one answered.

After waiting for 1 minute, he called another one.

This time the call was connected, but a strange female voice came: "Hello, how are you?"

Nangong Yuting frowned, reconfirmed that he did not make a wrong call, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

Han Dongqing on the other end of the phone was taken aback. Why did she hear this voice so familiar?

There is also the right to comment to this person.

Yu?what?Could it be...

She said truthfully, "I am Han Dongqing, Quanjing's manager."

I sent Quan Jing back to Diyi just now, I don't know if she was too anxious to forget or what, Quan Jing's bag was left on her car.

By the time she found out, she had already driven far away from Diyi.

It was inevitable that someone called Quan Jing, and Han Dongqing decided to rush back to deliver her package.

As a result, after walking back for a while, she heard a cell phone ringing in her bag.

Worried that it was an emergency call, Han Dongqing took out her phone and glanced at it. Looking at the note, she let the ringtone hang up automatically.

She thought, if something really happened, the other party would definitely call again.

The second time the bell rang, she saw that it was still the note, so she helped answer it.

Hearing the voice from the microphone, Han Dongqing was obviously taken aback.

She thinks that her memory is not bad, especially for someone like Nangong Yuting, once met, it is really hard to forget.

She didn't say much, only that she was Quan Jing's manager.

The other party didn't know whether they heard it or not, and then there was a busy tone from the microphone.

Han Dongqing: "..."

Turn off the phone, the green light is on.

Han Dongqing didn't think much, and continued to drive towards Diyi.

Nangong Yuting, who hung up the phone, was silent for a moment, and asked Feng Zhe to check Quan Jing's schedule today except for the Juzitai New Year's Eve party.

Feng Zhe's efficiency is very fast.

Three minutes later, he called to report.

Knowing that Quan Jing is at school right now, Nangong Yuting knew how to find her.

Open the address book, find Quan Rin's phone number, and dial it.

Just after the call was connected, he directly pointed it out.

Not long after, a girl's sweet voice sounded over there: "Hello?"

Nangong Yuting responded.

Just when she was answering the phone, Quan Jing remembered that her cell phone had been left in Han Dongqing's car.

She said directly: "Did you call me? My mobile phone was left in Sister Han's car."

Nangong Yuting's cold expression instantly softened a lot: "I know."

Quan Jing, who was halfway through the explanation: "???" He knew?Miss Han answered the phone!
Inexplicably, Quan Jing felt guilty.

(End of this chapter)

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