Chapter 538

In comparison, Qin Jing's show on Yuzu TV received less attention.

But anyway, it also occupies a hot search.

after an hour.

The style of Weibo has changed.

A topic called #权静旧失晚会地方# landed on the hot search list out of thin air.

Netizens: "???" What's the situation?
It turned out that when everyone was discussing, a photo posted by a small Weibo account suddenly became popular.

When people raised doubts, the po owner also deliberately replied "it's not the scene of Orange TV", but within 1 minute, this reply was deleted, and the po owner replied "live photo".

Such a cover-up explanation seems to be helping Quan Jing to hide something.

Now, someone questioned Quan Jing.

Since you're going to the TV station's New Year's Eve party, you should be more dedicated. What's the matter with leaving early?

Of course, some people also said that they can't just listen to one side of the po owner.

Who knows if this person is black?
The previous waves of operations still couldn't prove Quan Jing's innocence?
He obviously didn't do anything, but was hacked so badly!Not even a chance to explain.

Of course, some people are like this.

The more you don't let him do something, the more he wants to do it.

The more people believe in Quan Jing's innocence, the more people stir up trouble inside.

Looking at the scene on the Internet, Wei Qingyu smiled smugly.

Heh, Quan Jing, so what if you are popular?It's not that someone doesn't believe you.

Waiting for this wave of people to pour more dirty water on you, the gang of Diyi Academy will definitely think that choosing her as the school belle is a mistake!
After the party was over, Wei Qingyu who returned to the dormitory felt uncomfortable no matter what she thought.

Why can Quan Jing be loved by everyone on the star-studded stage?Just because she is beautiful and can sing?Then she doesn't look bad, except she can't sing, but she can dance, can Quan Jing?

Thinking of this, Wei Qingyu selectively ignored the dance of Quan Jing's solo debut...

The more she thought about it, the more unbalanced she felt, so she simply registered a Weibo account with a mobile phone number that no one else used, edited a few photos of Quan Jing she took at the party, and sent them out.

She was very tricky and brought up the topic of #quanjing#, which immediately brought the heat up.

Many people asked her if these photos were from the scene of the Orange TV New Year's Eve party. She waited for a few minutes before picking out a big V and replied, "It's not the scene of the Orange TV". Replies were deleted, and a sentence of "live photo" was re-edited.

However, this scene photo is not that scene photo.

However, what the netizens think is none of her business.

Wei Qingyu thought that no one would be able to find out if she changed her account, but she forgot that hackers still exist in the world!

Even if you are a computer science student with a higher level of technology, you can still find her based on her IP address.

As Quan Jing thought, Quan Rin did not rest immediately after returning to the dormitory.

He just turned on his phone and was about to log in to the game, when Weibo automatically popped up hot news.

Quan Rin, who saw the word "Quan Jing" with sharp eyes, clicked in and took a look.

Afterwards, he saw the photo posted by Wei Qingyu on Weibo account.

He could tell at a glance that it was a photo taken in the school hall.

If he guessed correctly, at that angle, students from the acting department were sitting.

Quan Lin rolled his eyes, put down his phone, took his notebook from the table, and typed on the keyboard.

On the computer screen, there are a bunch of garbled characters that people can't understand.

About 10 minutes later, Quan Lin narrowed his eyes, his chubby face, because of his squinting, the eyes that could still be seen, now there is only a slit left...

(End of this chapter)

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