The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 544 Year-End Ceremony

Chapter 544 Year-End Ceremony

After filming the game endorsement commercial, Quan Jing started to go back and forth between the crew and home.

Later, Xu Shi felt that the time spent going back and forth on the road could be saved to film some scenes, so Quan Jing simply moved into the crew.

Quan Tianxiang disagreed with everything at first, but in the end it was Wen Shuwan who spoke up, and he compromised.

Seeing that Quan Jing is so active, the rest of the crew became more serious about filming.

Zhao Xin was just inspired by the enthusiasm of these children, and the scenes he filmed became more and more efficient!
10 number.

Year-end ceremony.

A heavyweight party was held at Nanwan Radio and Television Station in Nanshi.

06:30 pm.

One after another, celebrities stepped onto the red carpet.

The media on both sides took pictures with their machines.

Suddenly, the crowd surged.

There was a scream.

"Mur God! Mourn God! Mourn God!"

When all the media turned around, they saw Mu Yunchen in a black suit and trousers walking towards them.

Beside him, followed by his manager, Fei Xiang.

Fei Xiang's appearance is not bad, but he is not conspicuous when he is by Mu Yunchen's side.

After being stopped by the media reporters and asked a few questions, Mu Yunchen calmly walked towards the signing wall, waved his hand, signed his name eloquently, and then left without looking back.

The rest of the media who have not reacted to taking pictures: "???" No, Mushen, at least let us take a picture before leaving!

Unfortunately, Mu Yunchen didn't hear their voices.

After Mu Yunchen, there are other popular stars.

However, the media are no longer excited.


Actress An Yelin appeared.

As Mu Yunchen's screen CP in this year's play, the media will naturally not miss it.

An Yelin waved at the camera gracefully, with a proper smile on her face.

In the face of the reporters' questions, she also answered in an orderly manner.

Everyone also accepts as soon as they see it.

After all, this is not An Yelin's personal red carpet show.

Walking behind An Yelin was the popular niche, Jiang Yuhan.

Behind them are Qin Jia, Xu Weiying...Qin Jing, Tang Rushi.

Wave after wave of people walked the red carpet.

The media are also a feast for the eyes.

There are tons of handsome men and beautiful women in the entertainment industry, and tonight is considered a feast.

Just when everyone thought no one would show up again, a nanny's car pulled up on the side of the road.

The car door opened, revealing one foot first.

Then, Quan Jing's figure appeared in front of everyone.

Tonight's Quan Jing was wearing a red dress with slanted shoulders, a pair of silver-white stiletto heels, and long slightly curly hair hanging behind her.

Girls are naturally beautiful with fair skin.

Taking a closer look, there is no flaw at all.

She walked onto the red carpet slowly, with a faint smile on her face.

A pair of big eyes are shining, like the twinkling stars in the night sky.

After being dazed for a moment, the media who finally came to their senses hurriedly picked up their cameras to take pictures.

Even those who didn't know Quan Jing muttered that they didn't know each other, but they kept taking pictures.

Emma, ​​whoever she is, let's take pictures first!
Quan Jing didn't stop, and walked to the signature wall.

After signing the name and handing over the signature pen to the staff around her, she smiled and waved her arms, and walked into the party.

After she walked away, the media started whispering to each other.

"Who was that girl just now? She's so beautiful!"

"You don't know her? Quan Jing, the recognized little fairy!"

"What? She is Quan Jing, oh Mai Kar, I can't believe it at all!"


In this way, the stars who appeared after Quan Jing didn't get much attention when they walked the red carpet.

After all the stars were assembled, it was almost an hour later.

(End of this chapter)

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