Chapter 547
"...Jiang Xiaofeng, congratulations!"

Under the stage, a dark-skinned man had an unbelievable expression on his face.

It was not until the people around him reminded him that he hurriedly got up and walked onto the podium.

This is a conscientious actor, in order to film, he tanned his complexion several degrees.

If it were young people today, few would be willing to be exposed to the sun.

In other words, Jiang Xiaofeng deserved the title of Best Actor tonight.

When Quan Jing learned that Jiang Xiaofeng had won the award, he applauded sincerely, with a smile on his lips.

A cameraman at the scene noticed her and immediately captured her smile.

After Jiang Xiaofeng finished his acceptance speech, Charlene returned to the stage and continued according to the script: "The best actor has come to an end, so who will be our best actress tonight? Let's wait and see."

The selected clips of An Yelin and the others began to play on the big screen.

I have to admit that although Gu Xinqi's selection is a bit strange, her acting skills are online.

However, compared to An Yelin and Qin Jia, she was far behind.

After such a comparison, anyone with a discerning eye can see that her "Blind Girl" is simply a plot that takes up subjective sympathy points, and the rest is barely, at least there is no big surprise.

An Yelin, Qin Jia, and Quan Jing knew each other well.

Putting aside other personal emotions, she prefers "Zhengrong".

A very distinct sense of the times is about to come out, and An Yelin perfectly displayed the character traits that a woman in the Republic of China should have.

Not only that, but her struggle in the play and her tenacious will to fight against the times are all empathetic.

Qin Jia's performance was also good, but it might have something to do with her being in the entertainment industry. In the drama "Bright Star", Quan Jing didn't see much bright spots.

Beauty is beautiful, but it has lost its aura.

Quan Jing is not very familiar with Xu Weiying's words.Looking at acting skills alone, she always felt that the other party's performance was not as good as it should be, but overall it was good, at least better than hers.


"The winner of the Best Actress is... An Yelin, congratulations!"

Tonight's An Yelin was wearing a champagne-colored long dress. Before going on stage, the female star sitting next to her helped lift her skirt.

Saying "thank you", she walked up to the stage.

After shaking hands with the award-presenting guests, holding the trophy and walking to the microphone, An Yelin was very grateful.

After finishing her acceptance speech, An Yelin walked off the stage holding the trophy.

There was constant applause.

By the time the party was over, it was already 10:30 in the evening.

Many celebrities came to the scene tonight, and many people accompanied them.

If it was someone else, everyone would definitely not pay too much attention to it, but, Mu Yunchen, he is an international-level actor!And Xia Houye...

As a result, when the show was over, some sharp-eyed media came over to interview Mu Yunchen: "Mushen, do you have any thoughts on tonight's award ceremony?"

Mu Yunchen used to say few words: "I have no idea."

The media: "..." Why doesn't this person play his cards according to the routine?

With that being said, how would they proceed.

Knowing clearly that Mu Yunchen didn't like this kind of interview, Fei Xiang immediately stopped the reporter who still wanted to interview: "I'm sorry, we, Yunchen, still have an itinerary, please let me go!"

While speaking, a team of bodyguards separated the crowd and opened up a path.

Mu Yunchen was full of aloofness and left the scene calmly.

Xia Houye came out after him.

If you can't interview Mushen, it's okay to ask Mr. Ye to have a chat.

Thus, Xia Houye was entangled again...

(End of this chapter)

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