The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 553 Piracy of "Starry Sky"

Chapter 553 Piracy of "Starry Sky"

After lunch, Nalanyin was about to leave.

Nalan Zheng lost his temper at the dining table again.

With a snap, the chopsticks fell on the table.

Rui Nan was taken aback.

Nalanyin raised her eyebrows slightly, but said nothing.

The movement of getting up didn't stop.

However, she turned her head and glanced at him, her red lips parted, and her unhurried voice fell into Nalan Zheng's ears: "Father, too much energy and blood is not good for your health. You should be less angry." good."

Before Nalan Zheng said anything, Rui Nan followed up and said, "Look how much Yin'er cares about you, and you know..."

She had only said half of what she said, when Nalanzheng snorted, and pointed at Nalanyin who was going out: "If you have the ability to go, don't recognize me as a father!"

Nalanyin: "..." I never knew the old man was so childish.

Putting his words here, Nalan Yin will not leave, and it will not be true if he does not leave.

Forget it, for the sake of her old man, she will let him just once.

Then, watching Nalan Yin sit down again, Nalan Zheng raised his chin slightly with a look of complacency.

Kong Xiao, who had just finished eating and was about to find a book to read, the phone in his pocket rang.

He looked puzzled.

Strange, who is calling him now?
Take out your phone and look: "..."

Why is this Chu Overlord again?What happened to him?
By the way, isn't the update of JY-Yu very stable during this period of time!Not only that, but he has updated a lot more comics than other comic authors, so why is he dissatisfied?

After complaining in his heart, Kong Xiao still answered the phone: "Hello, Mr. Chu?"

On the phone, Chu Xingzhi's irritable voice sounded: "Kong Xiao, where are you! Go back to the company for me."

Kong Xiao: "..." No, today is Saturday, and it's not his working time!

Of course, Kong Xiao knew very well that if he refused now, there might be more serious matters waiting behind.

So, he compromised: "Alright Mr. Chu, I'll go back right away."

After half an hour.

Youchuang Comics Studio.

Kong Xiao, who came to the studio, went straight to the boss's office.

Knocking on the door of the office, there was a voice from inside: "Come in."

Pushing the door open, he saw Chu Xingzhi sitting in front of the computer.

Standing in front of the desk, Kong Xiao called out with a smile: "Mr. Chu, are you looking for me?"

Chu Xingzhi glanced at him and "hummed" with his nose as a response.

Immediately, he twisted the computer screen and motioned Kong Xiao to look for himself: "Look at it, look at it, what the hell are these?"

Kong Xiao who didn't know what happened: "???"

Looking along the line of sight, Kong Xiao's eyes widened.

No... no, what's going on?
I saw that "You Under the Starry Sky" suddenly had a bunch of pirated versions...

This is the first time Kong Xiao met.

Even for JY-Yu's previous works, the piracy situation is not so serious.

Could it be... is it the reason why "You Under the Stars" was updated too quickly this time?

Kong Xiao looked serious: "President Chu, don't worry, I will deal with it right away, and I will definitely figure out what's going on here! I will never let such a thing happen again!"

Chu Xingzhi was so annoyed by this matter that he waved again and again: "Then what are you still standing here for? Hurry up!"

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Kong Xiao stopped talking nonsense.

Back in the office, he turned on the computer with a serious face.

After learning about the situation online, he frowned even deeper.

Who the hell dares to pirate JY-Yu's manga!Does he not want to live?
I don't know if the boss knows about this...

(End of this chapter)

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