Chapter 562

JY-Yu does what he says.

That night, fans discovered that "Starry Sky" hadn't been updated.

All of a sudden, a group of people went to Shi Zifan's Weibo, asking him to help Mrs. Yu succeed in defending her rights no matter what.

In this way, maybe people will restore and update them as soon as they are happy.

JY-Yu has millions of fans, if not tens of millions, those people who wanted to make trouble at first didn't dare to show up again.

Who dares to say, go out and seek death?
It was a good weekend, and because of the piracy, Kong Xiao had no rest.

However, compared to this, what troubled him even more was that... JY-Yu was cut off again, and in front of the whole network, the update was suspended indefinitely.

Thinking of the next period of time, he would be nagged by the Overlord of Chu every day, Kong Xiao's head would explode!

Quan Jing, who is busy with filming, knows nothing about Weibo.

She gets up early and stays late every day, and she has no energy to think about other things.

So, by the time she knew about these things, it was already a few days later.

Today, Friday.

The piracy incident fermented for seven days in a row, and finally came to fruition today.

It has been confirmed that the works released by Yimanjia, i Anime, Manmankan...the works published by many websites do infringe on "Starry Sky". For this reason, each website needs to compensate JY-Yu 20 yuan.

This caused everyone who followed the incident to sigh.

Each company pays 20 yuan, so after calculation, JY-Yuguang can get nearly 200 million yuan in compensation!
For the families of ordinary workers, getting rich overnight is nothing more than that.

Of course, everyone knows that JY-Yu sued some big websites and some small websites, I don't know if he forgot, or he just didn't take it to heart.

From the beginning to the end, JY-Yu only posted two Weibo, and he didn't even attend the court.

However, Shi Zifan was still full of smiles: "Please everyone, please transfer the compensation to my client's account as soon as possible, thank you."

In the afternoon of that day, Feng Zhe kept receiving text messages.

Feng Zhe: "???"

Before he had time to think about it, Nangong Yuting called him over with a landline caller.

CEO's office.

Feng Zhe knocked on the office door.


Walking up to his boss, he heard, "Have you received all the money?"

Feng Zhe turned his head quickly: "Got it."

Nangong Yuting gave a "hmm", looked down at the document, and said without raising his head: "Donate all this money."

Feng Zhe was stunned for a while, and quickly responded: "Good boss."

Power house.

When Wen Shuwan came back from afternoon tea, she saw Quan Lin nestling on the sofa with her mobile phone in her hands.

As she approached, what sounded in her ears was "double kill, triple kill...".

Rubbing between her brows, she stretched out her hand to hold Quan Lin's ear, hating iron for nothing: "Look at your sister, she works so hard every day from morning to night, and look at you, you know how to play games all day long!"

Quan Rin, who was addicted to the game, didn't notice Wen Shuwan's arrival at all.

Her sudden appearance caused him to slip his hand. It was a safe situation, but it turned out to be a "game over".

Quan Rin: "!!!"

Angrily, he put down his phone and pulled Wen Shuwan's hand, frowning, angrily.

Wen Shuwan raised her eyebrows.

Hey, this guy, he actually has a temper.

She was about to say something when a little bit appeared out of nowhere and rubbed Wen Shuwan's trouser leg.

Wen Shuwan's heart softened, she bent over and hugged Dian Dian, sat on the sofa very gracefully, and said softly: "Fat Yuan, I have discussed with your father, you will go to the company for an internship tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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