The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 565 I'm Going to the Technical Department

Chapter 565 I'm Going to the Technical Department
SN public beta tomorrow.

Tomorrow, public beta!
Quan Rin raised his head abruptly, and called out to Quan Jing's back: "Sister!"

Then, he changed his slippers in twos and threes, and caught up with Quan Jing, his eyes lit up: "Really, really! Tomorrow? Tomorrow..."

Quan Jing tilted her head: "What do you think?"

The next second, Quan Rin screamed.

He opened his arms, wanting to hug Quan Jing, and realized that his sister was a big girl now, and he couldn't turn around like before, only to see the housekeeper who didn't know when came over.

Quan Rin stepped forward and hugged the housekeeper excitedly, almost bumping his head.

Confused butler: "???"

Quan Jing: "..."

When eating, the corners of Quan Rin's mouth were all grinning.

Taking advantage of his good mood at the moment, Quan Tianxiang made a decisive decision: "Boy, go to the company with me tomorrow."

I thought Quan Rin would refuse, but in the end——

"it is good."

Quan Tianxiang: "???"

Wen Shuwan: "???"

Quan Jing couldn't hold back and looked back at him.

Quan Lin blinked at his sister, and said to Quan Tianxiang: "Dad, it's agreed in advance that I'm going to the technical department."

Quan Rin thought, since he is going, why not go to a place he likes.

Moreover, there must be a lot of computers in the technical department. At that time, he can take a break from his busy schedule and play small games for a while.

Hehehe, just thinking about it makes me happy!
Quan Jing raised her eyebrows, she knew...

Knowing Quan Lin's temperament well, how could Quan Tianxiang and Wen Shuwan not guess his thoughts.

However, they also knew that they couldn't push him too hard.

Kids today are not as good as they were back then.

If you really want to push him, he can do anything.

Quan Tianxiang: "OK."

Quan Rin: "Thank you, Dad."

20 number.

Quan Rin woke up early in the morning.

Quan Tianxiang thought it was his first day to go to the company for an internship, so he woke up early on purpose, and praised him for it.

Quan Jing, who came back from a morning jog, heard this boast, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

She still doesn't want to tell Daddy, the reason why Fat Rin is so early is to wait for the SN public beta...

After returning to her room, she changed into clean clothes, washed her face, packed her bags, and Quan Jing went downstairs to go out.

Quan Tianxiang called her to stop: "Quanquan, why don't you leave without some breakfast?"

Quan Jing waved her hand: "No, Daddy, take your time, I'll go first."

Seeing her in a hurry, Quan Tianxiang shook his head helplessly.

Quan Lin, who saw his sister chatting with Uncle Nangong on the road yesterday, snorted inwardly.

Look, his sister must have gone to see Uncle Nangong behind his back!

As early as when Quan Jing was jogging in the morning, she sent a message to Nangong Yuting, asking him to wait for her at the fork in the road 10 minutes away from Quan Zhai.

Quan Tianxiang was at home today, if he was waiting for her outside Quan's residence, he would definitely be found.

10 minute later.

fork in the road.

Quan Jing saw Nangong Yuting's car on the side of the road.

Walking to the co-pilot, she knocked on the window.

In the driver's seat, Nangong Yuting rolled down the window and saw the girl standing outside, with a smile on his lips: "Here we come."

Quan Jing smiled sweetly: "Well, here we come."

Immediately, Nangong Yuting got out of the car, walked to the passenger seat, and opened the door for her.

Quan Jing readily accepted his service and sat in.

After fastening her seat belt and closing the car door, Nangong Yuting sat back in the driver's seat.

He glanced sideways: "As usual?"

Quan Jing nodded: "Okay."

Ten minutes later, it was still the same breakfast shop.

Because Quan Jing joined the filming group every day during this period, and sometimes filming at night, Zhao Xingang was very tolerant of her joining the filming time in the morning.

As long as she arrives around 08:30.

(End of this chapter)

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