Chapter 567 Suffering
Chen Mingjie led Quan Rin around the company, introduced him roughly, and finally went to the technical department.

After a lot of detours, the two finally came to the technical department.

dong dong dong.

Knocking on the glass door, Chen Mingjie asked, "Is Minister Zhang there?"

Although Quan Tianxiang asked him to find someone to take Quan Rin with him, after all, this person is the boss's son, the future heir of their group.

Soon, a man wearing glasses walked towards this side.

Seeing Chen Mingjie, the man adjusted his glasses frame, his eyes fell on Quan Rin, and he raised his eyebrows inadvertently: "Assistant Chen, you are..."

Chen Mingjie didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Minister Zhang, this is a new intern, please take care of him for the next two months and take him with you."

Zhang Zhicheng narrowed his eyes, and his tone of voice became obviously weaker: "Oh, what's your name?"

Under Chen Mingjie's gesture, Quan Rin replied: "Quan Rin."

A "Quan" surname made Zhang Zhicheng guess something.

He pulled Chen Mingjie to the other side, and whispered, "Assistant Chen, tell me the truth, this person belongs to Mr. Quan..."

Chen Mingjie patted him on the shoulder: "It's okay, just treat him as an ordinary intern."

Although he didn't admit it directly, he had already acquiesced to Quan Rin's identity.

Zhang Zhicheng: "..." It's fine if a newcomer comes, but an ancestor?
How does this make him take?
If one leader is not good, he may not even be able to secure his own position.

Zhang Zhicheng rubbed his swollen head, troubled!

Chen Mingjie said a few words to Quan Lin and left.

During the whole process, Quan Rin didn't say a word other than reporting his name.

The technical department is neither big nor small. In one office, including Quan Rin, there are 16 people in total.

Like the school's computer major, it is a typical department with more men than women.

Taking a glance in the office, Zhang Zhicheng pointed to an empty seat, and said to Quan Rin: "There is an empty seat over there, you can sit there."

Quan Rin glanced at the seat by the window, and there was a new desktop computer on the table, which was not bad.

He nodded, walked over and sat down.

Zhang Zhicheng's eyes froze under the glasses frame.

The first thing Quan Rin did when he sat down was to turn on the computer.

The company's network speed is very fast. In less than 20 seconds, the computer was turned on and the desktop was displayed.

I glanced at the time in the lower right corner, 08:42.

Hearing what his sister said last night, he turned around and asked Quan Tianjing, and learned that the SN public test time is ten o'clock in the morning.

There is still an hour and 8 minutes until now.

ah!What a torment!
It was not easy to stay until ten o'clock sharp.

click -

Who knows who pushed the closed glass door open.

All the people stood up, and the sound of chairs being pushed back gradually entered Quan Rin's ears.

Quan Rin looked up for no apparent reason, and saw his old man walking into the technical department.

Just in time, a mechanical female voice came from Quan Rin's cell phone.

Quan Rin: "..."

Quan Tianxiang: "..."

Others in the office: "..."

This is fucking embarrassing.

It was Quan Rin who was the first to react, and immediately turned off the sound of the phone, as if nothing happened, coughed lightly, and then stood in a military posture, with his feet shoulder-to-shoulder, hands behind his back, head upright, his eyes fixed ahead.

Standing behind Quan Tianxiang, Chen Mingjie watched Quan Rin's series of actions, and subconsciously curled his lips.

Their young masters are really unexpected.

As if Quan Tianxiang didn't know Quan Rin, what he said was unceremonious: "Minister Zhang, how do you manage people? You don't work during work, and you still play with your mobile phone there."

Minister Zhang: "???" A new intern, what will he do?
(End of this chapter)

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