The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 581 Love Is Really Poison!

Chapter 581 Love Is Really Poison!

Feeling the force of the little hand holding her, Nangong Yuting silently lowered her eyes.

Did he scare her?
Sighing in his heart, Nangong Yuting looked lonely: "Let's go, I'll take you back."

Who knows, before he turned around, Quan Jing suddenly hugged him and buried his small head in his chest.

She was indeed afraid.

But, it doesn't seem to be afraid of him?

Nangong Yuting stretched out his hand, and gently touched her head, his voice became softer: "What's wrong?"

She shook her head in his arms, but said nothing.

She didn't tell him that she was surrounded by those people just now, and she was really scared when she saw him so close but far away...

Just now, the second he pulled her behind him, and listening to what he said, she was even more afraid.

Only then did she suddenly realize that, unconsciously, he had occupied such an important position in her heart.

Quan Jing didn't want to say it, and Nangong Yuting didn't force her either.

The night wind was very cold. He was afraid that she would catch a cold, so he took off his coat and put it on her shoulders.

Feeling his warmth, Quan Jing opened her big eyes and looked up at him.

The girl's sight caused Nangong Yuting to look down at her.

Her eyes were as clear and clean as ever.

The two were very close, afraid that he would do something if this went on, Nangong Yuting hurriedly separated a distance and walked forward.

Quan Jing blinked her eyes twice, unable to tell what it felt like.

After being stunned for a moment, she raised her foot and chased after him.

They took the elevator to the first floor, and neither of them spoke again until they got in the car.

Quan Jing did not return to Quan's house, but returned to the hotel where the film crew stayed.

Maybe it was time to separate, so Nangong Yuting said "rest early".

Quan Jing took off his suit jacket and gave it to him: "Then, shall I go in first?"

Nangong Yuting: "Go."

Watching Quan Jing leave, who knows, the girl turned back after walking a few steps.

Standing outside the car window, she waved at him.

Nangong Yuting didn't know why.

Seeing that he didn't come down, Quan Jing had no choice but to say, "Come down, I have something to tell you."

He has always been conniving towards her.

Opened the car door and got out of the car. Before he could ask "what's the matter", the girl stood on tiptoe and hugged his neck, her lips fell on his lips softly.

Nangong Yuting was completely stunned on the spot.

What's worse, Quan Jing ran away after flirting, without giving him any time to react.

After a long time, Nangong Yuting stretched out his hand, covered the place where the girl just touched, and smiled.

His circle... Kissed him?

Kiss him in circles!
As this cognition flashed in his mind, the smile on the corner of Nangong Yuting's mouth couldn't be stopped no matter what.

The cold wind blows, but it still can't blow out the flame burning in his heart.

The girl's figure had already gone away, but he was still standing there stupidly.

It wasn't until the driver called him that he came back to his senses.

Sitting back in the car again, Nangong Yuting was obviously in a good mood.

Even his voice was full of joy: "Go back to the old house."

The driver glanced at his boss through the rearview mirror, and thought: Love is really poison!Even a hard-hearted person like the boss is poisoned.

Over there, Quan Jing returned to the room where she lived.

With a bang, the door was slammed shut.

An Yimo, who had just put on the mask, walked out of the bathroom upon hearing the sound, and saw Quan Jing with a red face, fanning himself with his hands.

An Yimo: "???" Is it that hot?She didn't even turn on the air conditioner.

Quan Jing glanced sideways inadvertently, and was startled when she saw a dark face.

It took a while to realize that this was An Yimo.

She threw the bag on the chair, walked into the bathroom, and washed her face with cold water.

It seems that only in this way can the burning temperature on her face be dissipated...

(End of this chapter)

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