The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 584 Quan Jing Walks the Red Carpet

Chapter 584#Quan Jing Walks the Red Carpet#
Six o'clock in the evening.

Under the star-studded lens, a hundred flowers bloom.

The male and female stars walking on the red carpet are handsome men and beautiful women.

As we all know, the main event is behind.

There are too many shots in the front, and there is no film in the back, so it will be cheaper for others?

Everyone thinks so.

As a result, both Zheng Xinyan and Yin Xiaoyu, who walked the red carpet for the first time, received "cold treatment".

Zheng Xinyan was fine, but Yin Xiaoyu was not reconciled.

Walking all the way to the signing table, except for the MC who handed over a signing pen, none of the famous newspapers below took pictures here.

There were only a few people, and they took two pictures meaningfully, then turned the camera and took the next one.

No one would consider Yin Xiaoyu's thoughts.

If you really want to be serious, those people will only tell her very viciously: Who are you?What qualifications do we have to shoot you?

The reality is the same.

Wave after wave of people walked across the red carpet, and the reporters below were even more anxious.


"Quan Jing! It's Quan Jing who is here!"

"Hurry up, get the machine ready!"


Countless reporters are scrambling to seize the opportunity.

Tonight's Quan Jing is wearing a slim long dress with orange sequins. It should be a very earthy color, but it fits her body very well.Her slightly curly long hair was tied up high and tied into a bun.A few strands of dragon whiskers on both sides are very intellectual.

She seemed to have forgotten that she was walking the red carpet, and hurried to the signing table.

It was only after the host reminded that Quan Jing stopped to take a few photos for the reporters.

Before the filming was over, she was about to leave again.

Reporters: "???" No, what is she doing so fast?They haven't had enough shots yet!

Some reporters even waved their hands and shouted: "Hey, little fairy, go slowly! Let me take two more pictures..."

A group of people roared with laughter.

Unexpectedly, a gust of cold wind blew over, and Quan Jing walked even faster.

The remaining group of people: "???"

In any case, it is also the scene of a large-scale Spring Festival Gala.

From walking the red carpet, it was the kind of live broadcast.

It was almost Quan Jing who walked the red carpet, and a new topic quickly emerged on Weibo.

#Quanjing walks the red carpet#
Of course, Quan Jing who was at the scene didn't have time to pay attention to these things.

The reporters quickly turned their attention away.

Because... someone else walked the aisle.

Tang Rushi didn't know how to get the invitation letter from Yuzu TV, and she made a high-profile appearance tonight.

Before she terminated Xinghuang's contract again, it caused a lot of enthusiasm on Weibo.

Now that Tang Ru appeared on the red carpet, a reporter must have asked about it.

Tang Rushi was also tricky and easily took the topic away.

After all, it's the Spring Festival Gala, and the reporters don't want to overwhelm the guests.

After a few interviews, he let him go.

The red carpet goes to the end...

The last ones were Mu Yunchen and An Yelin.

The two starred in the same play and were still a couple.

Although the show hasn't been aired yet, the crew has already wrapped up, and it won't be long before the official airing.

Almost as soon as they appeared, countless flashing lights shone on the two of them.

Tonight's Mu Yunchen was wearing a white shirt, a black suit, his hands in his pockets, his face was stern and cold.

An Yelin was wearing a wine red tube top dress, with her hands folded in front of her body, she had a standard toothy smile, beautiful and moving.

When the reporter was taking pictures of An Yelin, Mu Yunchen had already walked to the signing table, and with a swipe of a pen, signed his name.

Afterwards, An Yelin also signed.

Smiling generously towards the reporter, the two slowly walked into the conference hall...

(End of this chapter)

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