The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 586 "Unforgettable Tonight"

Chapter 586 "Unforgettable Tonight"

Quan Jing's performance is not over, the show is still going on.

In addition to music, there are dances, sketches, cross talks...

Every program, everyone is very attentive.

Gradually, the show came to an end.

"Did you enjoy watching tonight?" Yang Bin returned to the stage to interact with everyone.

Audience: "Exciting!"

Yang Bin: "Okay, it's not fun, there's nothing else to do, there's only one show left."

The audience roared with laughter.

Qian Ting said at the right time: "Next, let us welcome the "Unforgettable Tonight" brought to us by Mu Shen and Yingying Queen."

In an instant, the scene exploded.

"Ah, ah, ah! Mourn! Mourn!"

"An Ying Queen! An Ying Queen!"


Quan Jing was also stunned by such an explosion.

When the figures of Mu Yunchen and An Yelin appeared on the stage, Quan Jing subconsciously took out his mobile phone and faced the stage.

Quan Jing was not the only one who acted like this.

Many people at the scene held their mobile phones and aimed at the stage.

The two voices, one firm and one soft, were mixed together, and the fans went crazy.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was even more crazy.

What's more terrible is that at the end of the song, Mu Yunchen's stare killed him.

Fuck, it's so handsome!
"Moshen! I love you!"

"Mushen, I want to give birth to a monkey for you!"


Most of the voices were girls' voices, so crazy, it also shocked the countless stars present.

It really deserves to be the top traffic in the entertainment industry.

After the two left the stage, Yang Bin and Qian Ting also returned to the center of the stage, ending the night: ", our Spring Festival Gala is over. I hope that next year, we can all be better. Goodbye!"

With this "goodbye", the Spring Festival Gala of Yuzu TV really ended here.

The live broadcast room is closed, and the fans at the scene still have more to say.

How did it end?
They have just tasted the sweetness!

As soon as the audience who stayed before the live broadcast ended, they really couldn't see anything.

However, the audience at the scene still had the opportunity to take several group photos and even sign autographs.

Of course, a popular person like Mu Yunchen is surrounded not only by the audience, but also by celebrity fans.

The same is true for An Yelin.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Quan Jing was astonished.

Ding dong.

Quan Jing lowered her head, and saw the message Nangong Yuting sent her.

Yu: [I'm here]

Quan Jing blinked her eyes twice and covered her face suddenly.

She almost forgot that Nangong Yuting knew about her participation in the party tonight.

But, Miss Han...

Just as he was thinking about it, Han Dongqing's caller ID rang on his phone.

Quan Jing swipe to answer: "Sister Han?"

In the microphone, Han Dongqing's tone was a little apologetic: "I'm sorry, Quan Jing, the nanny at home said that Ke Ke has a fever, I have to go back, your side..."

Before she finished speaking, Quan Jing said repeatedly: "It's okay, Sister Han, you can go quickly, it's important to take Ke Ke to see a doctor."

After repeated exhortations, Han Dongqing hung up the phone.

After staring at the phone screen for a while, Quan Jing replied to Nangong Yuting: "Yeah, my side is over too."

After sending the message and putting away the phone, Quan Jing was about to leave.

Clinker, but was retained by the fans who stayed behind.

"Little Fairy, I like you so much, please sign for me."

"Little fairy, can I take a photo with you?"

"Little Fairy..."

There were more and more people around, and Quan Jing couldn't escape at all.

Noticing the scene here from the corner of the eye, Mu Yunchen frowned inadvertently.

He walked forward calmly, and the people around him followed him...

(End of this chapter)

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