The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 603 The Dumb Guy

Chapter 603 The Dumb Guy

Quan Jing glanced casually.

I saw that on the screen of the mobile phone, she was wearing a black and red magic robe, reclining on a soft couch, with one hand propping the back of her head and the other holding a little bit.

She lowered her eyes slightly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, even the fleeting kind...

A little white in black and red can be regarded as an embellishment.

In particular, Kwon Rin is very skillful in shooting.

Just looking at it this way, it is actually very visual.

Seeing his sister staring at him, Quan Rin looked proud: "Sister, how are you doing? Did I take the picture well?"

Seeing this guy begging for praise, Quan Jing looked indifferent: "Well, it's not bad."

Quan Lin really jumped up: "It's not bad, it's obviously very good, okay! Sis, what kind of eyes do you have..."

After talking a lot, Quan Rin finally showed Zhao Xingang the photo he just took.

Zhao Xingang didn't say anything about him, but praised him for his good filming.

Quan Jing: "..." She was wrong, her Fat Rin was not ordinary stupid, he was hopelessly stupid.

A small episode did not affect Quan Jing's filming progress.

When Quan Jing was filming, in addition to taking pictures and recording short videos, Quan Rin just ran to chat with An Yimo.

He found that this man, like his sister, also likes to read comics.

Therefore, Quan Rin became a little curious: "What kind of comics do you usually read?"

He remembered... His sister seemed to have read some JY-Yu comics?It seems to be called this name.

An Yimo gave Quan Rin a blank look, took out his phone, clicked on the Youchuang Comics APP, and showed him the "Starry Sky" page.

Rao Quan Rin, who doesn't read comics, can't help being stunned when he read the cover.

This style of painting... so domineering!

Hearing what he murmured subconsciously, An Yimo looked proud: "How is it? Are you shocked?"

Quan Rin nodded, and when he realized something, he quickly shifted his gaze: "I don't think much."

An Yimo: "..." A duplicity guy.

Ignoring him, An Yimo felt sad again.

Alas, it's another day for JY-Yuduan, and I'm so tired.

In the evening, after Quan Jing finished filming the night scene, Quan Rin returned to Quan's house with his arms in his arms.

After throwing Diandian to the butler, he went back to his room without saying a word, took out his mobile phone and downloaded the Youchuang Comics APP.

His memory has always been very good. After registering an account, he searched for the word "starry sky" in the search bar.

In an instant, the first comic that popped up on the page was "You Under the Starry Sky" by JY-Yu.

The super domineering cover, isn't it the one that An Yimo showed him this afternoon.

Quan Rin plunged in, starting from the first drawing...

After looking at it for about half an hour, he finally caught up with the latest painting "Painting 49".

Then, Quan Rin was dumbfounded: "???" Is this gone?
I accidentally clicked into the comment area, only to realize that this manga is still unfinished.

Quan Rin: "..." So, he watched it wonderfully, but the other party didn't finish the update?
Fuck, don't bring such a scam!
Quan Lin didn't believe in evil, so he simply clicked on JY-Yu's other work "Where I Don't Meet You", and continued to read...

The end result is that Quan Rin stayed up all night and hasn't finished chasing "Where".

When he arrives at the set with the dots in his arms, it is inevitable that he will not be questioned by Quan Jing.

Hearing that this guy actually read comics all night, Quan Jing didn't know what to say about her.

Instead, An Yimo moved closer to him and whispered, "Isn't Mrs. Yu's work beautiful?"

Quan Rin subconsciously wanted to refute, but when the other party said a word, he didn't even have an excuse to refute.

An Yimo didn't take it seriously, and even reached out to pat his shoulder, saying earnestly: "It's okay, I understand."

Hey, Mrs. Yu is really excellent!
(End of this chapter)

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