Chapter 605
Ten past three in the afternoon.

The last scene between Quan Jing and Diandian is over.

Quan Lin graciously handed a bottle of pure water to Quan Jing who had just finished the show, and smiled silly: "Sister, you drink water."

Glancing at him suspiciously, Quan Jing held the little bit in one hand and took the purified water in the other, but didn't drink it.

On the side, An Yimo was looking down at the phone.

His eyes fell on Quan Rin who was still smiling silly beside him, and Quan Jing noticed with sharp eyes that a very familiar picture was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone held by Quan Rin...

She put the purified water on the table, pulled out the chair and sat down, waiting for Quan Rin to speak.


In less than 2 minutes, seeing that his sister was silent for a long time, Quan Rin murmured in his heart for a while, organized his words, and after going around for a long time, he finally got to the point: "...Sister, will this JY-Yu Could it be someone you know?"

Quan Jing: "..." She turned her head and looked at An Yimo, who pretended to be nothing, stretched out her hand to rub the center of her brows, feeling a headache.

She didn't think that Quan Rin, who didn't read manga much, would understand the way in the manga circle.

Especially, Quan Rin has been staying in the crew for the past few days...

When she was filming, she often saw Quan Rin and An Yimo muttering something together, what they said with gusto.

Quan Rin didn't know what Quan Jing was thinking, he stepped forward and continued to chatter.

The voice in his ears made Quan Jing even more headache.

She raised her hand to interrupt him: "Shut up, it's so noisy."

Quan Rin covered his mouth with an aggrieved expression on his face.

Diandian, who was lying on Quan Jing's body, didn't know if it was intentional, but turned her tail towards Quan Rin's side.

That looks like disgust.

Ding dong.

A WeChat notification sounded.

Quan Jing ignored Quan Rin, picked up the phone and took a look.

The message was sent by Han Dongqing.

The other party told her that the specific schedule of the Top of Music event has been announced.

It's just that it's an internal notice, and it hasn't been announced to the public yet.

Quan Jing sat up abruptly, and replied seriously: "When?"

The other party replied in seconds.

Sister Han: [The 18th of next month]

The 18th of next month?In other words, she still has at most ten days to prepare.

After replying "Got it", Quan Jing propped his forehead with one hand, his expression slightly dignified.

Quan Jing is very clear that every opponent she faces is very strong this time at the top of the music.

But so what?
They are strong, and she is not bad!

I just don't know, who will be invited to be the judge of this world-class music competition?
After a moment of silence, the director of the field told him to continue filming.

Handed the dot to Quan Lin's arms, warned him a few words, and Quan Jing went to film.

Leave Quan Lin and Diandian, one person and one dog, you look at me, I look at you.

In the end, the two became disgusted with each other, and made the same movement of turning their heads.

An Yimo who noticed this scene: "..."

the other side.

old house.

Nangong Yuting tapped something on the notebook quickly with her fingertips.

Nangong Mo went downstairs with his mobile phone in his arms, and noticed that figure.

It is said that men at work are the most handsome.

Nangong Mo felt that his uncle was always handsome...

Look at this 360-degree handsome man with no dead ends. If his uncle makes his debut, he will definitely win the hearts of a group of female fans in no time.

Tsk tsk tsk, the man's face is troublesome, he is talking about his uncle!

Keenly aware of a line of sight, Nangong Yuting pursed her thin lips and tapped on the keyboard with her fingertips, but the cold words fell into Nangong Mo's ears word for word: "Are you still going to stay there and watch?" how long?"

In a word, Nangong Mo was so frightened that he immediately went downstairs and obediently sat on the sofa beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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