The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 617 Are You an Angel?

Chapter 617 Are You an Angel?
Lingyun Group.

Nangong Yuting just walked out of the meeting room when the phone rang.

He frowned slightly, picked up his phone to look, and saw the message Quan Jing had sent him.

Circle: [I'm going to the competition]

After replying to the message, he asked Feng Zhe to follow the game in real time.

On the side, Feng Zhe mentioned: "Boss, this game is broadcast live globally..."

Nangong Yuting: "?"

As if knowing that his boss didn't quite understand these live broadcasts, Feng Zhe explained everything in detail.

Clinker, Nangong Yuting's immediate reaction was, wouldn't there be many people coveting his circle!
After a whole day, Feng Zhe found that his boss looked very bad.

So bad mood lasted until the ringtone of the video call...

Looking at the familiar head portrait, Nangong Yuting looked sharply at Feng Zhe who was still in his office: "You, get out."

Feng Zhe: "???"

But he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he turned around and left.

Before he stepped out of the office door, Feng Zhe heard the voice of his boss: "Are you here? Are you tired?"

With such a gentle voice, it must be Miss Quan Jing!
Looking at the girl lying on the bed in the camera, Nangong Yuting was also startled.

After chatting for a while, seeming to notice the background behind his camera, Quan Jing asked, "Are you still in the company?"

Nangong Yuting: "Hmm..."

When he heard that he was still off work, Quan Jing started talking again.

Listening to the girl's nagging, Nangong Yuting enjoyed it very much and didn't find it annoying at all.

Seeing that she was about to lose her temper, how could Nangong Yuting make her worry: "I'll be off work right away."

Quan Jing: "That's about the same."

Hearing Quan Jing say that they will have a meeting at night, Nangong Yuting couldn't help saying: "It's cold in Vienna, wear more at night."

He wouldn't say that he was jealous and didn't want others to see the beauty of the circle, the circle can only be his!

Quan Jing didn't think much about it: "I know!"

For her, Nangong Yuting is at ease.

But others... He was not so relieved.

So, after hanging up the video with Quan Jing, Nangong Yuting directly gave Feng Zhe an order.

Over there, as soon as he returned to the office, Feng Zhe received a text message before he sat down.

After reading the news, the corners of Feng Zhe's mouth twitched.

No, boss, do you want to do this?

In the text message, Nangong Yuting's meaning was obvious.

He wants to fly to Vienna immediately and watch Quan Jing's game live as a "special guest".

His girl, he wants to guard it by himself!

Feng Zhe wanted to cry but had no tears.

Silently click on Ctrip, today's ticket is gone, the earliest one is tomorrow, which is 18:35 am on the [-]th.

Almost as soon as Feng Zhe booked the ticket, Nangong Yuting received the flight text message.

I really want to know, what kind of expression will the girl see when she sees him tomorrow?

07:30 pm local time.

Vienna Airport Hotel conference hall.

When Quan Jing arrived, many people had already arrived inside one after another.

As soon as she appeared, almost everyone's eyes fell on her.

In the eyes of people from different countries, Quan Jing was still calm, with a suitable smile on his face and a slight nod as a greeting.

Quan Jing's beauty is considered unbelievably beautiful in the local area, but in the eyes of others, it may not be still beautiful.

However, even so, there are still people with the same aesthetics.

"Oh Mai Kar, are you an angel? How can you be so beautiful?" A female Chinese voice sounded from not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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