The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 642 Lu Zhuan Fan 1 Lifetime

Chapter 642 Lu Zhuan Fan Forever
Artist's agent's office.

Quan Jing knocked on the door.

After a while, Han Dongqing's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Pushing the door open and entering, Quan Jing walked to the side sofa and sat down, obediently calling: "Sister Han."

Hearing the movement, Han Dongqing looked up from a pile of documents: "Huh? Are you done with the class?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Quan Jing felt depressed.

She was in the class for about 10 minutes?I sang a bel canto song the whole time, and listened to Yue Sheng bawling there, except for the bel canto I heard outside the door...

This was the first time she heard Yue Sheng open his voice. To be honest, it was really amazing.

No wonder, Sister Yinyin invited him to be the vocal teacher of the trainees.

correct!Sister Yinyin!

Quan Jing patted herself on the head, and looked at her, it took so long to get off the plane, but she forgot to tell them that she was safe.

Han Dongqing just watched Quan Jing hit himself on the head, then took out his mobile phone, and quickly tapped something on the screen with his fingertips.

After staring at her for a while, Han Dongqing withdrew her gaze and continued to read the materials Xiao Chen had compiled for her.

She has been in Vienna for the past two days. Although she has been contacted by phone, there are always some things that are inconvenient to deal with.

Quan Jing reported to Wen Shuwan and the others that they were safe, then raised her head and called Han Dongqing: "Sister Han, can I go to the chairman's office?"

Han Dongqing gave a "hmm", raised her head and bumped into Quan Jing's bright eyes.

She waved her hand: "Go."

Office of the Chairman.

Nalanyin stared at the hot searches on Weibo on the computer screen, and looked at the comments below, her red lips slightly raised.

Hey, as expected of her house being smashed, it's great!
Ouch, this netizen has a good eye.

Every time I turn over an article, Nalanyin makes a comment in his heart.


dong dong dong.

There was a knock on the office door.

Her voice changed: "Come in."

Sensitively hearing the joy in her voice, Quan Jing walked to the door and asked at the same time: "Sister Yinyin, what makes you so happy?"

Seeing Quan Jing, Nalanyin waved to her: "Jing hits you over here, come and read the comments."

Quan Jing muttered "What kind of comment", and walked over to watch it with Nalan Yin.

Then, she saw the words sent by those netizens on the computer screen.

[Fuck, Quan Jing is really honoring our people, I have decided, I will be a fan for a lifetime! 】

【嘿嘤嘤,I want to hear the song sung by the little fairy】

【Crazy calling for the little fairy】


The previous ones are okay, but the latter comments, the style of painting is a novelty.

Quan Jing: "..."

Without looking any further, Quan Jing walked to the opposite side of the desk, pulled out the chair and sat down, propping his chin with his hands, and a soft and cute voice sounded: "Sister Yinyin, you asked me to come, don't you just want me to read the comments? "

Nalanyin looked away, reached out and patted Quan Jing's head: "You little girl, why can't my sister call you here?"

Quan Jing: "No..." It's just not like you.

Of course, Quan Jing only murmured in his heart about the latter words.

Nalanyin blew on her freshly finished nails, and quickly approached Quan Jing: "Jing, tell me the truth, did anything happen when I went to Vienna this time..."

But she heard that Nangong Yuting also ran over.

This guy, tsk tsk tsk, really couldn't bear it for a second.

Seeing the ridicule in Nalanyin's eyes, Quan Jing hurriedly turned her head: "No, nothing happened."

It's a pity that Nalanyin ate a few years more rice than her.

There's obviously something wrong with her appearance like this!

A pair of hands clapped on the desk.

Quan Jing was startled by her suddenness, her little heart thumped in surprise.

She clutched her little heart, and looked up at Nalanyin as if complaining: "Sister Yinyin..."

 Happy New Year's Eve, babies~ Qiaoqiao's family celebrates the New Year today, and the update will be sent out in advance!
(End of this chapter)

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