The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 649 Her Delusion

Chapter 649 Her Delusion
It had been several hours since "Starry Sky" hadn't been updated, so Quan Jing stopped staring at it.

After putting the phone on the table to charge, she took out the script of "Emperor Nine Phoenixes" from her bag and continued to read it.

She has no other work arrangements in her hands at the moment, and her current focus is only to make this "Emperor Nine Phoenix" well.

And...if her prediction is correct, in about ten days, all her roles will be wrapped up!

After staying in the room all afternoon, having dinner, and going out for a walk, Quan Jing watched the update of "Starry Sky" again.

Still no update.

Well, maybe it was her illusion.

Nangong Yuting... He probably doesn't like "showing his face".

Being watched by so many people, with his personality, must be disgusting.

Thinking about it like this, Quan Jing didn't pay attention any more.

After washing, she lay down directly and fell asleep peacefully.

On the morning of the 21th.

At six o'clock, Quan Jing woke up.

After brushing her teeth, washing her face, and changing her clothes, she stomped down the stairs.

Ding dong.

As soon as she reached the first floor, the mobile phone she held in her hand rang.

Looking down, it was the message that Nangong Yuting sent her.

Yu: [Quanquan, are you awake? 】

Quan Jing raised the corner of her mouth, tapped "wake up" and replied.

Walking to the living room, she took off her bag from the hook and replied, "I'll be right away, have you arrived yet?"

As soon as the message was sent, the other party replied in seconds: "The traffic lights at the intersection are waiting for you."

Quan Jing put away her mobile phone, said something to Mama Liu who was busy in the kitchen, and then looked in the direction of the second floor. Before Quan Tianxiang went downstairs, she changed her shoes and left Quan Zhai first.


A blue Ferrari was parked there.

Seeing him change the car again, Quan Jing asked curiously after getting in.

Nangong Yuting leaned over to help her fasten her seat belt, patted her head, and said dotingly: "It depends on your mood."

Quan Jing: "..."

The two still went to the previous breakfast shop.

Ordered the same dishes as usual.

It took more than half an hour to eat.

After eating breakfast contentedly, Quan Jing smiled and squinted her eyes, and rubbed her stuffed stomach: "Ah, I'm so full."

Seeing the girl like this, Nangong Yuting's eyes were full of pampering.

While there was still some time, the two took a walk around the surrounding area again, preparing to digest food.

However, Quan Jing is too popular now!
She and Nangong Yuting didn't have any cover up.

People passing by saw her and cried out excitedly.

"Ahh! It's a little fairy!"

"The little fairy is so beautiful in real life, much more beautiful than on TV!"

"Little fairy, please sign for me."

"Little Fairy..."

One after another, people rushed over, surrounding Quan Jing and Nangong Yuting.

Seeing this, Nangong Yuting grabbed Quan Jing to prevent these people from hurting her.

I wanted to protect her and get into the car, but unfortunately, there were too many people gathered around, and they couldn't move forward at all...

Nangong Yuting's actions also attracted many people's attention.

Seeing that he was by Quan Jing's side, everyone was very guessing.

In the crowd, whoever said "Little Fairy, is this your boyfriend?" all looked at Nangong Yuting.

Faced with these gazes, Nangong Yuting was not afraid.

What he was worried about...was his girl.

A daring girl picked up her mobile phone to take a picture, Nangong Yuting glanced at her, but she was too scared to press the shutter button.

Immediately, Nangong Yuting made a phone call.

There are more and more people gathering around, which has caused the road here to be congested.

The security not far away also came after hearing the news...

(End of this chapter)

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