The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 663 Witch Quanjing

Chapter 663 Witch Quanjing
It's exactly ten o'clock.

The first episode of the fourth season of "Hey Singing and Matching" officially started recording.

The auditorium in the recording studio was full of people.

On the stage, there were four high-end chairs.

The host Charlene changed her makeup and walked to the center of the stage with a microphone.

Wang Qingshan recorded guidance in front of the master control screen...

"Welcome to the fourth season of "Hey Singing and Matching". This program is co-sponsored by brands such as Cordyceps sinensis, Safeguard...Natural Beauty and other brands. Hello, audience friends, I am the host Charlene." Charlene smiled holding the script Greet the audience.

The next stage is full of voices.

After a brief greeting, it was the turn of the four resident guests to take the stage: "Okay, next, let's invite Jiang Yuhan, Lin Xi, Xu Weiying and our Qin Jing, welcome them!"

Crackling, clapping applause.

There are many feathers shouting under the stage.

Among the four, Jiang Yuhan was the most popular and the loudest.

Wang Qingshan also knows how to make some stunts.

This season, the first issue, he made a new trick.

Except for the resident guests, the rest of the supporting guests appeared in front of everyone in the form of masks in the first round.

Not only that, the assistant guest will also wear a voice changer, making it impossible to guess who the TA is.

According to Wang Qingshan, he intends to only let the audience guess the supporting guests in the first episode.

It's a pity... Quan Jing only signed the first phase of the contract, so he had to change his strategy.


Following Charlene's words, "Please help the guests to come on stage", the big screen turned on, and four figures wearing masks appeared in the eyes of everyone, including the four guests, who were stunned.

As an insider, Charlene coughed calmly, glanced at Wang Qingshan, and then continued according to the script: "Hey, these four on stage are our helpers for this issue." Guests. Different from previous programs, this time, we plan to play something different..."

The audience applauded and agreed.

They just want to have new ideas, and the same programs will make people have no desire to follow them.

Fortunately, Director Wang knows them well, and each issue is different from the previous ones.

Charlene glanced at the four supporting guests, walked to the other side, and stood in front of Sun Chu, who knew from the first sight that he was a boy: "This supporting guest, please tell the audience loudly that your name is..."

Sun Chu lifted his unnecessary belt, and at the right time, a rough male voice sounded in the recording studio, and everyone was stunned: "My name is Erxiong."

Charlene: "..."

Audience: "Pfft ha ha ha."

Leaving aside Sun Chu, Charlene came to Tang Qing who was dressed as Snow White again: "Then this guest of assistance, don't tell me, your name is Snow White?"

Tang Qing looked at Charlene, and a noble female voice sounded like a princess: "Yes, I am Snow White."

Charlene's mouth twitched.

Who came up with all this?How did the kind Snow White in memory become like this?
The audience was also disillusioned with Snow White.

Beside him is Quan Jing, who is dressed as a witch, in a black and red dress, with a hat, and a terrifying mask covering her entire face.

At first glance, Charlene was taken aback.

When she walked in and saw those familiar eyes, she quickly covered her little heart and sighed.

I don't know what Director Wang was thinking, but let Quan Jing, a little fairy, play the role of a witch?

He can really play...

(End of this chapter)

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