The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 668 "Awakening Time"

Chapter 668 "Awakening Time"

Finally, the cameraman turned to Jiang Yuhan and Yin Xiaoyu's lounge.

Unlike the other three groups, this group seemed extraordinarily quiet.

There was nothing interesting to record, so the cameraman just recorded for a few minutes and left.

10 minute later.

On the stage, Charlene's voice sounded again: "Welcome everyone to our "Hey Singing Match", I am the host Charlene..."

"The next one will be "Awakening Time" brought by Lin Xi and 'Er Xiong'. Let us give a round of applause."

On and off the stage, applause continued.

The curtain fell, and Charlene also retreated behind the scenes.

Gradually, the curtain was opened, and two figures slowly fell in front of people.

Lin Xi was still dressed as before, but "Two Bears" had already shed the bear's attire and replaced it with the most ordinary teenager's casual attire.

Lin Xi's voice is relatively clean, and singing this ballad song is even more moving.

As soon as the voice changer was released, Sun Chu's original voice was revealed.

As soon as he opened his voice, someone in the audience called out his name.

Lin Xi raised his eyebrows calmly, a little surprised by Sun Chu's popularity, but he still cooperated with him very carefully, and finished singing the song "Dream Awakening".

The full three and a half minutes of the song, two different male voices, give people different emotions.

The music stops.

There was constant shouting.

"Lin Xi! Lin Xi! Lin Xi!"

"Sun Chu! Sun Chu! Sun Chu!"

The two made a gesture of invitation to each other, and walked forward in unison.

Charlene also returned to the stage, laughing and teasing: "Just now, many audience members called out a name, let me guess, that the person? Please Erxiong reveal the answer for us!"

Following Xia Lin's words, Sun Chu supported the mask with one hand and the microphone with the other to untie the ribbon.

Seeing his hand touching the ribbon, Charlene brought the topic back to the audience: "Let's count down live, three, two, one!"

As the word "one" settled down, the ribbon spread out, and with one hand, he took off the mask.

Erxiong's true face also surfaced completely.


What was more outrageous was the screams of a group of girls.

Charlene's mouth twitched.

Holding the mask, Sun Chu smiled and waved to the audience: "Hi, audience friends, I am Sun Chu."

Charlene was not confused, she stepped forward with a sense of professionalism, and continued to follow the procedure: "Hey, Sun Chu, can you tell me, how did you come up with the idea of ​​participating in this program? I think the audience also wants to You know."

At the right time, a voice of unison sounded: "Yes!"

Sun Chu smiled lightly, scratched his head, and said with a naive look on his face, "No, I came because my manager asked me to come."

Charlene: "..." This child is too sincere.

Lin Xi at the side was also slightly taken aback, and then a faint smile appeared on his face.

Although he had only known Sun Chu for less than 10 minutes, he already had a general understanding of Sun Chu in just a few minutes.

This big boy has a simple mind, but he is really serious about music.

It's no wonder that so many people like him.

Charlene really didn't expect Sun Chu to be so honest. She asked a few questions and answered what the child had to say. She was afraid that his manager would "settle the score" with her afterwards. Xi and Sun Chu will sit down first, next, please enjoy the performance of the next group..."

Unknown, Sun Chu scratched his head, laughed a few times, and walked to Lin Xi's side.

The two walked to the entrance seat over there together.

(End of this chapter)

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