The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 685 The Company Needs You

Chapter 685 The Company Needs You
Time slipped away by the minute.

Seeing that the clock was going to 12 minutes and Xia Houye hadn't come back yet, Butler Xing couldn't help showing worry on his face.

The master's face became more and more ugly, did this young master Ye come back or not?

He really wanted to make another call to ask, but seeing Xiahou Mingjue's expression, he still didn't make that call after all.

12: 18.

A car drove into the old house from a distance.

Steward Xing recognized at a glance that it was Xia Houye's car, and it was a coming-of-age gift given to him by Xiahou Mingjue!
Steward Xing immediately walked in front of Xiahou Mingjue, with a smile on his face: "Master, Master Ye is back, driving the coming-of-age car you bought for him."

Hearing what he said, Xiahou Mingjue was obviously taken aback.

But soon, he let out a proud "hum".

This brat hasn't come back to see him for a long time.

Xia Houye tossed the car keys into the hall, and saw Xiahou Mingjue sitting on the sofa, with Butler Xing standing beside him.

He casually tossed the car keys to the butler, sat on the sofa casually, picked up the apple on the low coffee table, took a bite, and said, "Old man, tell me, why did you ask me to come back?"

The corner of Xiahou Mingjue's mouth twitched in anger.

This stinky boy will be mad at him as soon as he comes back!
Butler Xing called "Master Ye" appropriately, intending to remind him.

However, Xia Houye didn't understand what he meant at all, and still went his own way.

After gnawing on the apple, Xia Houye threw the core into the trash can handsomely, clapping his hands: "Since you don't say anything, then I'm going to leave if I have nothing to do. I'm busy."

He just got up, Xiahou Mingjue was so angry that he covered his heart.

Butler Xing immediately called out: "Master, what's wrong with you, Master?"

Hearing the voice next to his ear, Xia Houye thought it was another little trick of his old man, and was about to turn around to taunt a few words, when he saw Xiahou Mingjue's obviously ugly face.

He walked over immediately with worry on his face: "Dad, are you okay? Don't scare me!"

No matter how cruel he is, he is his father after all.

The sound of "Dad" was like a reassurance pin, which pierced Xiahou Mingjue's heart hard.

He raised his hand, interrupted Butler Xing's smooth movement, and waved to Xia Houye: "Aye, come here."

Xia Houye hesitated for a moment, but still walked over.

Afterwards, I heard Xiahou Mingjue say earnestly, "Aye, come back, the company needs you..."

Xia Houye opened his mouth and was about to say something, but he heard, "This company has your mother's hard work, and I don't trust anyone except you. I am old, and I can't take care of you for a few more years. You It’s too old, and it’s time to take on your responsibilities.”

The very plain words, but like thunder, exploded Xia Houye's silent heart.

He thought...

Xiahou Mingjue knew what Xiahouye was fussing about, patted his hand, and continued: "Ah Yu is also a poor child, but it's a pity... don't worry, what's yours is yours, and no one can take it away! "

It's a pity that Xiahou Mingjue didn't say anything, but Xia Houye was so smart, he guessed a little bit.

However, he never thought that such a stubborn old man would suddenly be so open-minded?

Or, what did Xia Houyu do?
But at this moment, Xia Houye didn't ask anything.

At 12:30, the father and son had a peaceful lunch for the first time in these years.

After dinner, Xiahou Mingjue took a nap, and Xiahouye chatted with Butler Xing.

Only then did I know about Xia Houyu and Tang Rushi.

Not long after staying in the old house, Xia Houye also left.

This time, he promised Xiahou Mingjue that he would come back to see him when he was free.

(End of this chapter)

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