The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 701 The Most Beautiful First Love

Chapter 701#The most beautiful first love#
27 number.

ten o'clock in the morning.

The TV series "Youth with You, No Regrets" announced on the official blog that it will be launched simultaneously on Yuzu Satellite TV and Qingmang Video at 07:30 tomorrow night, with three episodes premiering.

Thereafter, two episodes will be updated every Monday to Friday, and one episode will be updated from Saturday to Sunday.

According to the progress, the show will be over on the 17th of next month.

Why is there... the illusion that the drama will end before it airs?

For a while, Weibo exploded.

The voting that was a headache for Yin Xiaoyu was instantly forgotten, and everyone was watching this drama.

Funny, this is Mushen's first TV series after returning to China, and the heroine is An Yelin.

More sharp-eyed fans spotted Quan Jing in the trailer released by the official blog.

Such a youthful and beautiful dress is completely like the feeling of first love.

Even if it was only for a short three seconds, the camera flashed by...

Unfortunately, there is a perfect screenshot of the boss.

Just in time, a topic called #最美的初恋# appeared on the hot search list out of thin air.

The most beautiful first love?

The bewildered netizen clicked in, and when he saw the screenshot posted on the hot comment, he screamed instantly.

Whose little fairy is this?How can it be so beautiful!
Quan's Group.

Technology Department.

After finishing the task assigned to him by the minister, Quan Rin just sat on a chair bored and checked Weibo.

Swipe and swipe, the system will automatically push notifications to him.

He glanced casually, and when he saw the words "youth has you", he was startled.

Youth has you?

He remembered that Mushen seemed to have filmed a TV series called... "Youth with You, No Regrets"?
That's right!

Quan Rin felt as if he had been bruised all over, clicked on the notification, and flipped through it.

He was very excited when he saw his family's TV series Mushen aired tomorrow night.

After signing in, leaving comments in Chaohua, and commenting on Mu Yunchen's personal Weibo, he clicked on Qingmang's video and searched for "Youth with You, No Regrets".

He is afraid that he will forget about playing games tomorrow night, so it is better to make a reservation in advance.

After doing this, he clicked on Weibo again.

Quan Rin's focus is on some e-sports masters, and then on his admirers and his sister's manager.

Most of his microblogs are reposts of various lottery draws, or super chat tasks.

In other words, his Weibo is all miscellaneous.

After reading my attention, he clicked into the hot search list again.

Seeing the topic of #最美的初恋# at first glance, Quan Rin didn't click on it.

Although he is already a big boy now, what he misses so much is not only games but also games.

first love?What is that?

Maybe it was really boring, Quan Rin clicked on every trending topic and took a look.

He was the last to click into that #最美的First Love#...

Then, looking at the screenshot, Quan Rin couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

etc!Isn't this his sister?
Click on the picture to enlarge the original picture... Hey, it's his sister!

No, where did this photo come from?
After digging around in the comments, Quan Rin finally found the source.

After watching the trailer, Quan Rin's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Almost instantly, he bombarded Quanjing on WeChat!

Power house.

After Quan Jing finished playing the piano, she went downstairs to pour water to drink.

Back in the piano room, I took out my phone to check the time, and happened to see the series of messages sent by Quan Rin.

Fat Rin: [Aw——sister! 】

Fat Lin: [The TV series Mushen is about to air!Tomorrow night]

Fat Rin: [Sister, I saw you in the trailer]

Fat Rin: [Ah, sister, I envy you so much! 】

Fat Rin: […]

(End of this chapter)

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