The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 705 Mu Yunchen's weakness

Chapter 705 Mu Yunchen's weakness
Quan Tianxiang also went to the company at that point.

Only Quan Jing and Wen Shuwan were left in the family.

Thinking about what Quan Lin told her during breakfast, Quan Jing told Wen Shuwan and went back to the room first.

Back in the room, she picked up her cell phone and called Han Dongqing.

the other side.

Tianyin Media.

Han Dongqing clocked in to go to work. As soon as she entered the office, her assistant Xiao Chen hurried over: "Sister Han, it's not good, something happened!"

With a whirring voice, Han Dongqing frowned: "I'm so irritable early in the morning, what does it look like, if you have anything to say, speak slowly."

While talking, she walked towards the office chair, pulled it out and sat down.

Xiao Chen closed the office door, and told about the fight between Yin Xiaoyu and Quan Jing's fans on Weibo.

Now Yin Xiaoyu is quite well-known because of the show "Hey Singing and Matching".

Quan Jing has kept a low profile for the past few weeks, except that the offline event jointly organized by Guoman and the music industry had a lot of exposure, but the event has not yet started.

There was so much commotion on Weibo, Xiao Chen was unavoidably anxious: "Sister Han, what should we do?"

Han Dongqing, who had figured out the ins and outs, had calm eyes.

She first turned on the computer and logged into her personal Weibo account.

As soon as I entered, I saw a bunch of red dots.

Han Dongqing frowned, and clicked into her latest Weibo comment.

Before she could take a closer look, a familiar ringing sound came from her ear.

Taking out her mobile phone from her briefcase, and seeing the caller ID, she raised her eyebrows imperceptibly, and told Xiao Chen to go down first, then swipe to answer: "Hello?"

Quan Jing: "Sister Han, what happened on Weibo..."

Han Dongqing raised her eyes and glanced at the Weibo comments, and after seeing how those shredded fish scolded Quan Jing, she narrowed her eyes coldly: "This matter is my negligence, I will take care of it, don't worry Get ready for the next event."

Being hacked is not just once or twice. Quan Jing has long been used to this "small" scolding battle.

She smiled slightly, without causing Han Dongqing any trouble: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, Han Dongqing immediately started public relations.

A small entertainer, with only a little bit of fame, starts to find a sense of presence in various ways, and he is really overwhelmed.

at the same time.

Yunchen studio.

When Fei Xiang arrived, he saw Mu Yunchen sitting on the sofa, propping his forehead with one hand, wondering what he was thinking.

It has been more than two months since I came back from Vienna.

Except for the endorsement, magazines, and other announcements that were discussed earlier, Mu Yunchen did not accept any of them.

It's the first time Fei Xiang has seen him being "willful" in the entertainment industry!

But what can he do?
In case one of them is unhappy and just quits his job, then he will have no place to cry.

He also had a headache with a bunch of announcements waiting in line.

After an unknown amount of time, a cold and aloof male voice sounded in the office: "You're here?"

Fei Xiang was shocked, and quickly came back to his senses: "Well, here we come."

Holding the document, he casually pulled the chair beside him and sat down, and said to him: "Yun Chen, the "Youth with You, No Regrets" you starred in tonight is about to start broadcasting, remember to post a Weibo later .Also, He Xi called me two days ago, saying that he hoped you could attend an offline event jointly organized by Guoman and the music industry..."

Fei Xiang chirped a lot, and Mu Yunchen only gave a faint "Oh" at the end.

Knowing Mu Yunchen's weakness, Fei Xiang continued: "The offline event is on the 3rd, and Quan Jing will also go."

Mu Yunchen sat up abruptly, and looked at him with a pair of eyes: "What did you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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