The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 724 Our boss has a cleanliness freak

Chapter 724 Our boss has a cleanliness freak

Nangong Yuting really came and went in a hurry.

He stayed in less than 10 minutes for the whole process!

It's not that no one wanted to take pictures at the scene, but everyone was shocked just now, how could they remember to take pictures?
When I remembered, the person had already left.

When the boss left, Kong Xiao was also shocked, but it was not bad.

After explaining a few words to Xiao Wang, Kong Xiao walked to Qiao Shuai's side.

Seeing Qiao Shuai's reaction again, he couldn't help stretching out his hand and shaking it in front of his eyes.

Since Qiao Shuai explained Feng Zhe to him, he no longer knew what Xi Xi was.

Ting Shao is actually that mysterious JY-Yu?
Fuck, what is the reason for his repeated curiosity?

He can just look at Young Master Ting!

Oh no, Shao Ting is so busy every day, how can he have time to draw comics?

Could it be... Young Master Ting is a tentacle monster, drawing fast?
He was thinking wildly in his mind, and a hand was dangling in front of his eyes.

He blinked, wide awake.

Only then did they realize that Nangong Yuting and Feng Zhe left at some unknown time.

His eyes fell on Kong Xiao in front of him, and Qiao Shuai's eyes lit up again: "Mr. Kong, I wonder if you can tell me about JY-Yu?"

It would be hopeless for him to inquire with Young Master Ting.

It's Feng Zhe, if you really find out something from him, maybe Ting Shao will know it when you turn around.

To be on the safe side, Kong Xiao is more reliable.

Kong Xiao didn't think as much as Qiao Shuai thought, he just thought he was curious about JY-Yu, and pointed to a chair not far away: "Manager Qiao, let's talk over there."


Before Nangong Yuting stepped out of the exhibition hall, a call came from behind: "JY-Yu, please wait!"

Nangong Yuting paused at the first call.

Feng Zhe glanced back, it was someone he didn't know.

It's fine if there's only one person, but after that person, there are two people following up, a man and a woman.

It was none other than the three of Junlin Tianxia.

Others didn't notice, but Junlin Tianxia and the others were always paying attention to Nangong Yuting's actions.

They were also full of curiosity about this mysterious Mrs. Yu.

It was not surprising that I finally ran into him at the scene. As a colleague, it was not surprising to meet and say hello.

Coming behind Nangong Yuting, Jun Lintian stretched out his hand, and was about to pat him on the shoulder when he was stopped by Feng Zhe: "Sorry, our boss has a cleanliness habit."

Junlin Tianxia: "..."

Bai Mudan and Wangyoucao who chased after them: "..." Cleanliness can also be taken for granted.

Well, who made someone a boss.

Nangong Yuting turned around and caught a glimpse of Junlin Tianxia who was an arm's length away from him, as well as the white peony and Wangyoucao behind him, he raised his eyebrows slightly.

Do not know, ignore.

Seeing people leave so simply and swiftly, the three of Jun Lin Tianxia said: "???" This person is too indifferent.

When they saw Nangong Yuting open the driver's seat of a limited edition black Bugatti Veyron, the three subconsciously swallowed.

Afterwards, all eyes turned to Feng Zhe.

Wangyoucao, the youngest, couldn't help asking: "That car..." If he read correctly, this car costs at least 5000 million!

Feng Zhe didn't understand why his boss drove here himself, so he had to drive a car.

However, at this moment, he sincerely admired it.

Boss, this is...preparing for a rainy day!

Nangong Yuting, who had no idea what Feng Zhe was thinking, sent Quan Jing a WeChat message as soon as he got into the driver's seat.

(End of this chapter)

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