The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 726 I'm still a child

Chapter 726 I'm still a child

Jiang Xinye wandered around the exhibition hall and felt that it was really boring, so she looked around for Quan Jing.

However, she searched around but couldn't find it. In the end, she only saw Han Dongqing.

She was slightly taken aback, but she still stepped forward and asked about Quan Jing's whereabouts.

Knowing that the little fairy had left, Jiang Xinye couldn't help feeling a little sad.

But it doesn't matter, she photographed the little fairy today!

After saying "thank you" to Han Dongqing, Jiang Xinye was about to leave.

However, when he walked to a comic counter exhibition room, he could hear people discussing something from a distance.

Humans are always curious about the unknown.

"I've decided, my future male god will be JY-Yu! Ahhh, he's so handsome!"

"I didn't expect my luck to be so good today. If my little sister finds out, she won't cry to death."

"It's a pity that no photo of Mrs. Yu was taken."

"You said, why did Mrs. Yu fall in love with Quan Jing? There seems to be no intersection between them."

"Who knows, but Quan Jing is really pretty."

"You're not young, you have a good foundation, that's what I think."


Jiang Xinye was very happy at first, because people were praising her little fairy.

But after hearing it later, she was not happy.

What do you mean?You look like this!
Jiang Xinye, who was furious, went directly to someone to comment: "Hey, what are you talking about? What happened to my little fairy? What's wrong with you? You look like this yourself, and you still criticize others."

The one who said this was a girl with pockmarked face and dark yellow skin, she really didn't look very good-looking.

Naturally, looking at Quan Jing, I was more or less jealous.

Jiang Xinye simply didn't want others to scold Quan Jing, and what she said was unintentional, and she didn't mean to attack others.

However, some people always misinterpret the meaning.

The one who bears the brunt is the girl with the pockmarked face: "Am I wrong? She is just relying on her pretty face, so what is she pretending to be...Little sister, I have no objection that you like her, but you can't force her Let everyone like her as much as you do."

Jiang Xinye was still a little girl after all, her eyes turned red instantly when she heard her say that.

She is not for herself, but for Quan Jing.

Her little fairy is so good, why do people always want to discredit her?

There were still quite a few people in the crowd who couldn't see a little girl being "bullied" by others, and tried to persuade her: "Okay, Miaomiao, don't say a few words, she is still a child."

"Yes, look at the poor girl, she is about to cry."

The girl called Miao Miao let out a "hum", shook off her little sister's hand, and walked to the other side.

Jiang Xinye pursed her lips, stubbornly not letting the tears flow from her eyes: "My little fairy is the best, she is not what that person said!"

Fearing that she would cry, the group of people had no choice but to follow her words.

"Yes, yes, your little fairy is the best."

Jiang Xinye wiped his face, stomped towards them childishly, then turned and left.

Han Dongqing saw everything that happened here.

But, she didn't take it seriously.


Her mobile phone was repeatedly called by the assistant. When she picked up the phone, she frowned when she learned what happened.

at this time.

on Weibo.

A piece called #quanjingfan的质量# is high on the hot search list.

Click in and take a look, the most prominent is the video of Jiang Xinye questioning the pockmarked girl...

(End of this chapter)

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