The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 728 That's My Mom's Telegram

Chapter 728 That's My Mom's Phone

"By the way, why do you want to come here today?" Quan Jing finally asked.

Although he guessed that he was JY-Yu, but when Nangong Yuting said it himself, the feeling was completely different.

Nangong Yuting turned his head and glanced at her, then retracted it again, his hoarse voice sounded affectionately in the carriage.

He said: "I missed you, so I came."

Quan Jing, who heard what he said: "..." When will this guy be able to speak such sweet words?
However, my heart is still a little sweet.

There was a sweet smile on the corner of her mouth, and she looked sideways at him: "Did you learn about painting when you went abroad?"

Quan Jing didn't remember very clearly what happened when she was a child.

But she knew very well that the little brother at that time could not draw.

And the name JY-Yu has been popular for seven or eight years... After all, it is because of his overseas affairs.

Nangong Yuting is not unaware of the girl's gaze.

But how can he tell her that learning to paint is not something that happens in this life?
He especially remembered back then, when he didn't have a suitable identity to step into her mourning hall, so he could only watch outside silently.

He didn't dare to go in quietly to take a look at her until midnight, when everyone was gone.

Afterwards, he learned from a staff member of the mourning hall that when she was buried, she was buried with a pile of unopened comics in her collection...

Memories are always painful.

In order not to let Quan Jing see the difference, Nangong Yuting tried his best to restrain his emotions, making himself look the same as before.

"When I grow up..." The familiar music bell rang.

Quan Jing thought it was her mobile phone, took it out and checked, but there was nothing there.

However, the ringing continued.

Looking up again, I saw Nangong Yuting holding a mobile phone and handing it to her: "Quanquan, it's not convenient for me to drive, please answer the call for me."

Quan Jing let out a silly "Oh", and when she saw a series of unfamiliar calls displayed on the phone screen, she answered with a blank face: "Hello?"

Ji Lingqiong on the other end of the phone: "???"

He took the phone away and glanced at the number she dialed.

That's right, it belonged to her son.

But why is it a girl who answered the phone?
Suddenly, Ji Lingqiong's eyes glowed, and her voice became gentle: "Hey hello, that, I want to ask, the owner of this phone..."

Speaking of this, Ji Lingqiong deliberately paused.

The other side didn't continue for a long time, so Quan Jing had no choice but to tell the truth: "He's driving, so it's not convenient to answer."

Ji Lingqiong suddenly realized: "Oh, drive, that's fine, you keep playing, and I won't bother you."

After speaking, the other party hung up the phone, and the action was so straightforward.

Quan Jing: "???" What's the matter?

Before she could return the phone to Nangong Yuting, she heard, "That's my mother's phone."

Quan Jing: "!!!"

Seeing the girl's angry face, Nangong Yuting smiled in a good mood.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed Quan Jing's little head, his eyes were filled with doting.

Quan Jing took his hand arrogantly, turned her head, and "hummed" at him.

It was still early, Nangong Yuting took her to the beach.

He remembered that the little girl had muttered about going to the beach since she was a child.


Unbuckle your seat belt and get out of the car.

The oncoming sea breeze is very comfortable.

Quan Jing dressed very casually again today, very suitable for going out to play.

It was Nangong Yuting, who took off his suit jacket directly, revealing only the white shirt inside.

The tie was also torn off by him, and two buttons were unbuttoned at the neckline, which looked extraordinarily tempting.

(End of this chapter)

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