The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 738 Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face

Chapter 738 Don't look at the monk's face, look at the Buddha's face

When it comes to the incident of Quanjing fans, there are quite a few people who follow it.

Wei Dongxu is one of them.

Thinking about the fact that Quan Jing's appearance will be broadcast this weekend, but this kind of thing broke out again at this juncture, he also has a headache.

In particular, the editor deleted the trailer about Quan Jing before he knew it!

Isn't this embarrassing him?
Wei Dongxu was so angry that he let out a sentence: "My drama, you can delete another one and try!"

Even if you don't look at the monk's face, you have to look at the Buddha's face.

No matter what Quan Jing said, he was also introduced by Mu Yunchen. Besides, the little girl did a good job in filming. He can even use his eyes to guarantee that the most exciting part of the whole drama is that Mu Yunchen and An Yelin also The right to net three people's play.

It's a pity that Quan Jing's role as Lin Wanwan is too small...

The splitting headache didn't last for a few hours.

In the afternoon, the assistant ran over excitedly: "Guard Wei!"

Wei Dongxu glared at the assistant: "How did I teach you? Be calm, calm! What are you talking about, what do you look like?"

The assistant waved his hands again and again: "No, Director Wei, it's Quan Jing..."

Because he ran all the way, the assistant's breathing was a little unsteady, and he stopped after a sentence, and he didn't finish speaking for a long time.

Wei Dongxu was in a hurry: "What's wrong with Quanjing? Has the popularity on Weibo exploded again?"

Without waiting for the assistant to continue, Wei Dongxu clapped his hands, smacked his mouth, and said to himself: "I knew that this girl was born with a hot search physique. I don't know how long it will take to become popular after this explosion." fade..."

The assistant who was relieved: "???" No, director, the trending search has obviously dropped!
Hearing Wei Dongxu's way of talking more and more outrageous, the assistant also became anxious: "Director Wei, it's not right that the popularity has dropped, it's because new topics have covered up old ones, and the popularity has gone down!"

Wei Dongxu looked confused: "What did you say?" Is there such an operation?
He couldn't explain clearly in a few words, so the assistant simply took out his mobile phone and clicked on Weibo.

The result is good, Weibo, which was working normally just now, just collapsed!

The assistant couldn't help turning his head, and exchanged a glance with Wei Dongxu, both of them had the same question mark face.

At this moment, the editor came over with a serious expression: "Director Wei, come here, I'll discuss something with you."

Wei Dongxu glanced at him and nodded.

Then, he patted his assistant on the shoulder: "You brew it up first, and then tell me about it later."

Assistant: "Yes, Director Wei!"

Walking aside, Wei Dongxu looked at the man in front of him: "Old Yu, what's the matter?"

The man called Lao Yu didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Director Wei, it's still the same problem as before. I insist on cutting Quan Jing's role..."

Before he finished speaking, Wei Dongxu raised his hand to interrupt him: "Stop, I think that child is a lucky one, maybe he can increase the ratings of our drama. Don't say any more, I mean it decision."

Old Yu frowned fiercely: "Director Wei, you..."

However, Wei Dongxu warned him with a serious face: "Old Yu, you are also an old man, you should be clear, stay on the front line in everything, so that we can meet each other in the future. I said, are you...too harsh on that child Quan Jing?" ?”

Old Yu: "I..."

Wei Dongxu waved his hand: "Okay, okay, this matter is over, if you dare to make small moves, you see how I will deal with you."

With that said, Wei Dongxu left with his hands behind his back.

Leave the old Yu alone, thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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