The Growth of the Music Goddess

Chapter 740 Quan Jing Lin Wanwan

Chapter 740#Quanjinglin Wanwan#
The trailer was less than 2 minutes long, and Quan Rin was very excited to see it.

Especially, the moment he saw his sister, he screamed, "Sister! Look, it's you!"

However, before Quan Jing looked up, the picture flashed by, and the preview was gone.

Quan Jing looked innocent.

Quan Rin: "..." What should I do, seeing his sister's current appearance, he really wants to take a picture...

He thought so, so he did.


Quan Jing blinked her eyes, as if flashed by a flashlight.

Quan Rin hurriedly edited the text and sent it to Moments.

Fatty Rin: [Well, as can be seen from the personal test, my sister has reached a new level of beauty! (picture jpg)]

In the photo, Quan Jing tilted her head, staring at Quan Rin blankly.

One strand of her long hair, tied in a ponytail, fell over her right shoulder.

Compared with her in the trailer, her appearance is not bad at all.

After posting to Moments.

Quan Rin quit, and once refreshed, there were a lot of likes and comments.

Sister Yinyin: [My house is so beautiful, hug the picture]

Zhu Mo: [Miss sister is so beautiful, Miss sister is so beautiful, Miss sister is so beautiful, important things are said three times! 】


The old man who covets my sister: 【美】

After refreshing to Nangong Yuting's comment, Quan Rin couldn't help but rubbed his eyes.

When he looked again, the comment was still there!
Not only in, "The old man who coveted my sister praised you".

Quan Rin: "???"

Secretly complained about "old man", Quan Rin let out a "hum" again, and ignored it.

However, as long as he thinks that he will only be able to appreciate his sister's flourishing beauty in the drama tomorrow, Quan Rin's heart aches.

Why is there only one episode aired on Saturdays!

He wants to protest!

Not only Quan Rin, but many pure waters have been waiting for their little fairy to appear on the stage, and the result?Just the two-second shot in the trailer for the next episode?And it's airing tomorrow!

Don't bully people like this!

As a result, a group of people began to show off under the official blog's comments, asking the official blog to hand over some benefits.

The official blog was also able to hold his breath, and he didn't say a word in a daze.

The "angry" pure water had no choice but to refresh the trailer over and over again, take screenshots of screenshots, and post on Weibo.

Soon the topic of #权静林晚晚# was brought up.

Although there is only a short two-second shot, it is enough space for people to take screenshots.

Not to mention, quite a few people stepped back and forth a number of times before capturing a clearer picture.

Of course, Gaussian blur is not without it.

It's just... there is no one who can blur to the point where the facial features are invisible.

This makes people have a point of complaint.

After rebirth, Nangong Yuting, from JY Group, to Whale Studio, and even... some industries that he doesn't even know about.

The purpose is to make his girl's life less difficult in the future.

As a result, he is very full every day, full of time, and has no time to waste watching TV.

However, because he overheard Nangong silently mumbling this morning, he turned on the TV for the first time.

Enduring his impatience, he watched an episode, but he didn't see the person he wanted to watch.

Just when he was about to turn off the TV, Nangong Mo suddenly yelled: "Uncle, don't turn it off yet!"

Nangong Yuting frowned imperceptibly.

As if he just realized what he just said, Nangong shrank his neck embarrassingly, and whispered: "There is a preview of the next episode..."

Just as he was talking, the next episode preview began to play on the TV.

After holding back for a minute, Nangong Yuting's face was already ugly.


(End of this chapter)

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