Chapter 754
After quietly listening to what Sheng Ke said, Quan Jing was stunned.

Even, she never thought that Sheng Ke was in love with someone at such a young age!
Quan Jing looked curious: "A Ke, is it convenient for me to ask how old the other party is?"

Sheng Ke was expressionless: "28 or 29, I don't remember."

Quan Jing: "..."

Sheng Ke didn't know what Quan Jing was thinking, but only talked about her distress: "He has come to Nanshi."

Quan Jing tilted her head: "Did he come to find you on purpose?"

It's no wonder Quan Jing thinks this way, a boyfriend who has been dating for five years, although he has ulterior motives, he still has feelings.

I just don't know how true this person's feelings are...

Sheng Ke shook his head: "I don't know."

Quan Jing choked and felt a headache.

She herself doesn't know anything about feelings, so she was also confused when she said that.

However, there is one thing she can conclude: "Ake, I guess, that person must still like you."

Who knows, Sheng Ke denied without thinking: "Impossible."

Si Xuyang likes her?Oh, what an international joke.

Use her more or less.

From her point of view, the previous five years had been fed to dogs!
It was also at that time that she was still young, and she was deceived by his rhetoric, or else...

Thinking about it, Sheng Ke's hand hanging by his side just clenched into a fist.

Hearing the sound of bone popping in his ears, Quan Jing didn't know what to say.

Sheng Ke is not a sentimental person, after talking to Quan Jing so much, she felt much more relaxed.

He took out his phone and checked the time, it was 06:28.

Sheng Ke put his hands in his pockets, and returned to his usual indifference: "Let's go and have breakfast."

It's better to come early than to be in time. During dinner, Quan Jing met Qi Hongye in a cafeteria.

She didn't forget that she had to ask the teachers of various subjects for leave.

She has successfully obtained leave slips from other teachers, but now, it is Qi Hongye who is missing.

It's just that faculty and staff don't dine with college students.

Quan Jing could only watch helplessly as Qi Hongye went to the staff dining area on the second floor.

After taking two mouthfuls of porridge, Quan Jing stared eagerly at the stairs, for fear of missing Qi Hongye.

Sheng Ke was about to get up and go back to the dormitory after eating, but saw that the breakfast in front of Quan Jing hadn't moved much, and this man was staring at the stairs, not knowing what he was looking at.

She stretched out her hand and waved in front of Quan Jing's eyes: "Quan Jing, you're back to your senses, what are you looking at?"

Quan Jing looked back at Sheng Ke, then stared at the stairs: "I'm waiting for Teacher Qi."

The only teacher majoring in animation design is Qi Hongye whose surname is Qi. Naturally, Sheng Ke also guessed who Quan Jing was talking about.

Just as she was about to say something, she saw Quan Jing, who was going downstairs, Qi Hongye got up in a flash, and only had time to say to Sheng Ke, "A Ke, wait for me for a while, I'll be right back", and hurried over.

Walking in front of Qi Hongye, Quan Jing obediently called out: "Teacher Qi."

Qi Hongye, who had just put the bowl and chopsticks in the designated place, got up when he heard a sweet female voice.

He turned around and saw Quan Jing.

Qi Hongye still has a little impression of Quan Jing, and he smiled kindly: "It's Quan Jing."

Quan Jing smiled slightly: "Mr. Qi, I have something to do with you. I don't know if it's convenient for you now?"

Qi Hongye has always been tolerant towards good students, but there are too many people in the cafeteria, and Quan Jing's face is too ostentatious.

He thought for a while and said, "Well, I still have classes in the morning, so you can find me in the office at noon."

Quan Jing: "Okay, thank you, Teacher Qi. Then I won't bother you. Goodbye, Teacher Qi."

(End of this chapter)

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